Thursday, September 14, 2017

Memories and Mysteries

September has been zooming and, with this blog, no news is good news! Last weekend the boys and I had nothing on the schedule so we decided to take in the Hot Air balloons at Huff and Puff. 10 years living in Topeka I have never made it out to this event. I was thinking about skipping it but Saturday night Daryl made me promise I would get them up early enough to watch the balloons!

The Alarm clock went off at 6am, and I kept my word. Daryl lept out of bed, so excited to head out to the lake for the 7am launch time. Alex was not as excited but with the promise of McDonalds breakfast, he agreed to put some clothes on! 
It was a beautiful sight to see all the balloons prepare for flight and then watching them all fly away. 

I think this will become an annual tradition. We know for next year we need to bring a blanket. Thankfully my car looks like we live in it, so we all found a sweater to sit on! 

Yesterday, Daryl got his retainer. He only wears it at night but he was super excited to trade his head gear for a retainer. All week he reminded me his appointment was on Wednesday. I wasn't allowed to forget this one!  I'm super glad to be done with the rubber bands, I find them everywhere! Which is weird because his headgear lives in his room. I try not to think about how they are in the floor in the kitchen, or on the couch in the living room. Ewww

Only funny story I have came from Monday. Alex decided to dress himself which went well until he couldn't get his shoes on. I had to help him and that was almost WWIII. So I pick him up from school and as I'm putting him in the car he whispers, "Mom I lost my underwear." 
I said, "what, why are you taking off your underwear at school? Did you have an accident?" 
His reply, "No, they just disappeared!" Then he pulled his shorts down to show me his bare butt! 

A little detective work, turns out he never put them on. I found them still folded on the floor of his bedroom. However, don't tell him this because he will insist to you, they just disappeared.....

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