Thursday, August 3, 2017

Is It School Time Yet?

Summer vacation is nearing an end, and I am ready for the family to be back on a routine! The fair, baseball, mini vacations and summer break have caused some internal chaos for Daryl and Alex. At least that is what I am hoping is the issue! Lately, we have been battling tantrums and rude behavior, and mom is over it!

We said Goodby to Grandma Rosie on Monday. (sniff sniff) We miss you already, but cousin Reiyna is doing a great job filling in while I'm at work. Two days in she did admit she is NOT ready for kids! So Brenda, you're welcome! LOL

The boys had fun getting their baseball awards on Monday. Alex got a medal for T-Ball and Daryl's team got the first place trophy for how they placed during the season. Of course Alex had to take a picture with those trophies too! They had fun this season and learned a lot. They will be excited to start up again in the spring.

The weekend after the fair Mom and I took the boys to World's of Fun and the Kansas City Zoo. Surprisingly, I think the boys enjoyed the zoo more. I know I did! We did do all the rides at the zoo, so I'm sure that helped. Daryl's favorite was the sky ride and Alex's favorite was the seal splash show. My favorite was the meerkats!! I highly recommend visiting this Zoo. 

Finally, elementary school teachers, I adore you! Will you please take my kids now?!

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