Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Eclipse Day :-/

On Monday, Alex shot right out of bed and said, "It's eclipse day mom!!"

He was so excited, I felt bad that it was really cloudy here in Topeka. We couldn't really see it at all from my office. The kids did sit outside and Alex still thought it was cool. I grabbed this picture from the school's PTO site. I love that they did the paper bags over their heads.

We were sitting in a meeting Monday night and Alex told the table of adults, "If you stare at the eclipse it will burn a hole in your eye!"

He was so serious, I know that he did not peak!

Daryl was not as impressed, he was pretty blah about the whole thing. He did ask if we could go to Maine to watch the next one in seven years. Probably not bud. LOL

Daryl is back into his WWE toys full force. He has ignored them for an entire year, opting for Pokemon cards and coin collecting. I never thought I would write this, but I'm glad he is playing with his WWE toys again. He was just collecting stuff with those other interests, at least with his action figures he is playing and using his imagination. He sets up matches and now is trying out, "moves" of his own! As long as we don't end up in the ER, I am better with playing than collecting.

Now, if I could get him as excited about saving his money, hmmm.......

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