Wednesday, August 16, 2017

First Day of School!

On Monday the boys had their first day of school. Daryl started 3rd grade, and Alex finally got to go to Kindergarten. I was a mess when Daryl started school, pretty much cried all day. When we got up Monday morning I felt my emotions coming to the surface then Alex asked, "Mom can you just drop me off out front? I don't need you to come in."

Then I was double teamed.

Daryl said, "I can get him to the gym mom, it's OK."

I let them know, I would drop them off for the rest of the year. First day and last day of school, mom goes inside! When I think back to why I was so emotional for Daryl, I wasn't sure if he was ready, I didn't know if he would make friends. On Monday I knew for a fact Alex was ready, and no matter what he has his brother. So, no tears were shed!

Having the boys I do, I got no details about the first day. However, I did learn Alex got a talking to about hitting his brother at after-school program. If they can be nice to each other in after-school every day maybe it will spill over to time at home!

I've been looking forward to having them in the same building for years, and so far it does not disappoint! One drop off and one pick up is glorious!! I hope all the kids and teachers going back to school find their groove quickly, getting up on Tuesday Alex already said, "I don't want to go to school!"

This coming from the boy who counted down the days to school all summer. Go figure!

Daryl said, "Mom we need to take a picture by a tree." So we did!

Don't they look like they love each other?

My baby is in school, can't be sad when he has wanted this for years!

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