Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Holiday Weekend

I don't mind working over the weekend so much when I get Monday off right after. This weekend was the 4-H Horse Show, but Monday was all family time!
We went to Kansas City with my best friend's family and visited Deanna Rose Farm and Fritz's Railway restaurant. Both are favorites with our crew.
When we got home, I took a nap! Once I recovered a bit we played at the park because the weather was so nice. It was sweet to be with them all day. Extra sweet because I'm out of town with work this week. It is a good thing I will get to be with my 4-H family from across the state. They are a pretty fun bunch to hang out with!
I will be hoping Friday comes really soon!

Waiting for our wagon ride!

In the old school house!

Mining for gold! We did this first and it was Al's favorite.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Last Day of 2nd Grade!

You did it Daryl! This post is me telling you how proud I am of you!! You did not have an easy year, your life got turned on its side a little bit. But, I'm so excited about your future because of how you have handled yourself. You are my inspiration some days little man, eye rolls and all!

I hope some day when you need it you can look back at this post and remember these TRUE things about your 8 year old self.

True things about 2nd grade Daryl:
1.)  You are a good friend! You proved that Tuesday night when you begged to go watch your friend's little sister graduate kindergarten. You could have done 100 other things but you wanted to sit by your friend and celebrate with his family.

2.) You are tough! You had some emotional roller coasters this year. Your teacher, guidance counselor and me all remarked that we don't know how you did it. You would go to school, do your work, play with your friends and when you needed to, you talked to your counselor. When you did need a friend to talk to, you had much love and support at your school. It takes a village to raise a child, and you Daryl, have an awesome village!

3.) You are stylish! I had to up my style game this year to even take pictures with you! You have goals to be a politician or scientist or archeologist when you grow up. So you decided, this year, you would start dressing for your future aspirations. Bravo young man, you looked good! Even when you got mad at me for not letting you wear dress shoes to school on a PE day!

4.) You are responsible! This year you started taking a twice daily prescription and had to wear head gear every night. Whenever I asked you at bedtime or in the morning if you had taken your pill 90% of the time you had. If you hadn't you let me know you just hadn't gotten to it yet. You have really grasped onto the concept of taking care of yourself this year, and did so without prompting.

Daryl if you can continue being a good friend, being tough, stylish and responsible there is no limit to what you will accomplish. Love you bud, and I'm just standing in your corner constantly being amazed by you!
Thank you for everything Mrs. Armfield!

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Field Trip Day and Graduation Weekend

Today Alex had his school field trip to the Zoo. It was a fun morning for the kids running around and looking at the animals. At first Alex acted like he did not want Mom and Grandma there. He didn't want us to walk beside him and his friends. Then we got to an exhibit where the adults were lifting the kids so they could see the animals. All of a sudden we were his best friends!

Last weekend the boys went with mom to attend some family graduations in SW Kansas. They had a lot of fun hanging out with their cousins. When they got home each of them had something they wanted to tell me about their weekend.

Daryl said, "Mom I got to dance with Reiyna! It was a slow dance!"

Alex said "Mom, yesterday I ate THREE PIECES OF CAKE!"

We can see the priorities of these boys. :-)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

That time of year

As you can probably tell from my lack of posts, summer has arrived! My world is getting crazy and with both boys playing baseball, it looks full speed ahead until August. I will quote my favorite poet, "Lucky for you that's what I like, that's what I like!"
Fun things that have happened are Alex Graduated Preschool. It was adorable! Daryl has had his first three baseball games, and they have won all of them. Way to go Rhinos!!! I road tripped to Little Rock with Jaime and my mom. We ate good food and got beautiful tattoos. OK, mom just ate good food. LOL!
This one is short and sweet because it's only Tuesday and I'm already behind. I will try and post again later this week. :-)
After you graduate, you get ice cream! This kid loves vanilla ice cream.

I can't describe how excited Alex was to graduate. 

Next year he will be going to Daryl's school, and he is so excited!
8u Rhinos Baseball team is currently 3-0!

I recommend Lulu's Crab Boil for dinner in Little Rock!

I also highly recommend Black Cobra Tattoo in Little Rock. Katie is my girl!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

April Showers Bring May Flowers

As much as I try to be positive and will for good things to happen, life gets in the way. I am a strong person, and I know that. The only thing I can't do is shield the people I love from hurt. It makes me sad.

On Sunday, I had to tell the boys that our beloved Grandma Glo, Kelly's mom, had passed away. She was 65 years young and it was a shock to all of us. I almost feel like Daryl and Alex are shell shocked at this point. They react to bad news very calmly.

When I got the call I made a plan to do something special for them, and then tell them. I've had bad news delivered to me, and there is no good way. The best advice I have to fellow parents is give them the space they need to react, in case they do have a big reaction. So I made sure we were at home. We picked up Sonic ice cream, and were eating it sitting on the floor in the living room when I told them.

Daryl just blinked at me, he knew grandma had been in the hospital and I have no idea what was going on in his head. He didn't say anything really. Alex being four is trying to put this heaven place together. He immediately asked if Grandma was going to see Vinny. This actually made me smile because Grandma Glo, was never a dog person! He then asked if she would see Grandma Evelyn, and I said yes to both questions.

They don't see Grandma Glo everyday, we have to make a trip and plans every time we do see her. I think the funeral will be when it hits them, and me. After that it will be felt at the birthday parties, the holidays and for me when I don't see her hearts on my Facebook posts anymore. She was absolutely the biggest fan of this blog. I know because before our divorce, I would get e-mails if I hadn't posted in awhile. She always wanted the new Meerpohl Manor story. Even though I didn't get e-mails from her anymore, I know she still read them. Probably, before anyone else. :-)

She was my mom for ten years. I don't know the name for this situation but it sucks. For now I will do whatever I have to do for Daryl and Alex, they lost their Grandmother, and she was a very special one. All my love to the Ramirez and Meerpohl family. I'm here for whatever I can do to help.

Now for my May flower, and she came at the perfect time for me. I have a new niece, born early this morning. I won't divulge details, as they aren't mine to give. But thank you life, Diane and Asa, for the relief. My soul was weary but this little girl is what I needed. I'm a shame of an aunt and will work on her knitted clothing right away.

Alex Grandma Glo was the third person to ever hold you. I don't even
know if I was all the way inside the house before she had your carrier and was getting you out.
You didn't get a lot of time with her, but you got a lifetime of love from her. 

Daryl you got all your first haircuts from Grandma and the day after you found out she was gone
you said "I'm really going to miss her. And I'm sad I won't get to eat her food anymore."
Grandma Glo would have cooked for you everyday if she could have. It was one
of the many ways she showed her love. And you are right, no food will ever taste like
Grandma Glo's food.