Wednesday, April 26, 2017

That's the Kind of Mom I Am

Do you ever have one of those moments, that really defines you as a person? It is like the whole thing happenes in slow motion, and you can remember exactly when you made the decision you did?

This really doesn't happen for me. So, I was shocked yesterday morning when my world went into slow motion. The actual event was so fast but I made a thoughtful decision on how I was going to act. The decision says a lot about me. LOL!

The boys and I were sitting at the table having breakfast. Alex was having cereal with milk and was just telling me all the things! He was sitting funny on his chair, but that is pretty normal. I've told him many times to sit on his bottom. He had his left hand on the side of his cereal bowl, and as he leaned towards me his chair started to tip. He was wearing sweat pants so when his chair tipped he started to slide right out of it.

In that moment I knew, I could save my son from falling out of his chair and get milk and cereal everywhere, OR I could grab the bowl and let him learn a hard lesson of why we should sit in a chair properly.

Needless to say, I didn't clean up any milk yesterday morning! What can I say, that's the kind of mom I am. I did pick him up, and gave him lots of hugs.

I just love it when they are sweet to each other!
Alex couldn't reach to put the marble in the maze,
so Daryl offered to help him! 

My first knitting thing in a long time!
Need to pick out a new project to try and get
my mojo back. :-) 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Easter 2017

It has been awhile since my last post. Probably because there is not much to report. Alex had a small stomach bug that kept him home with Grandma for a few days, and Daryl has just been writing his speeches that he will give when he is President. I'm not even joking.

I did get to do my all time favorite thing for Easter this year, dress the boys in matching outfits!! This never gets old. I saw these green shirts at Target and I knew I had to get them. They looked so dapper!

The boys went to the Meerpohl family Easter, it is always a very good time. They came home with lots of smiles and candy, so that was a success.

With no kids and no plans to cook a ham, mom and I went to the casino! It was fun this time because I actually won some money. Its been about five years since that has actually happened, so I was pretty pumped. I always win on the fish machine so I need to just start playing that one first. LOL

I used my winnings to buy a lawn mower and last night mowed my yard. I haven't done that since I was pregnant with Daryl, and I actually enjoyed it. Got some exercise, and once again proved to myself I can take care of things. Feeling better and better everyday about life! Spring is starting to look very hopeful to me!!

Easter bunny left the boys baskets at Dad's! 

In our matching green! 

My Easter Brunch! It was great! 
Alex helping grandma plant flowers. This was before I mowed! LOL 

Friday, April 7, 2017

Momma Rosie is Home!!

Last Sunday was FINALLY my turn to host my mother. You see, my sister and brother and I all have shared custody over now retired Momma Rosie. She gets to live with all of her grand-kids, and we get an extra set of helping hands for awhile.

Mom started with Asa, then lived with Sofia, and now it's my turn!! It couldn't have come at a better time since once May roles around my life will get crazier than normal. I will be up to my eyeballs in work stuff, and with the help of my mom, will still get to enjoy it. My summer's are crazy, but they are also fun! I get to go to summer camp for work people, come on, that's cool!

The best part for the Blog is, we will now have funny Grandma stories to add to funny Daryl and Alex stories! Extra extra bonus for me is I can run in the mornings again!!! Hallelujah!! I've run every day this week.

So, the first funny story is how Purl is adjusting to having someone home with her all day. Mom says that Purl pretty much ignores her, except when they go to pick up Daryl from school, then Purl perks up because she gets a car ride! Well, yesterday I was getting a car seat out of mom's car and into mine and Purl jumped in mom's car. It was noon, way to early to pick Daryl up. I'm pulling out of the driveway and I see mom still trying to get purl out of her car. She has all four doors open and Purl won't get out! Twenty minutes later I get a text from mom, "Well I gave up, went and got my keys, and gave Purl a ride around town. Then she finally got out of the car!!"

Looks like Purl is getting spoiled like the rest of us!

Last night, Daryl and Purl were playing in the backyard while Mom was teaching Alex how to play slot machines on her kindle. That isn't even the funny story folks. I go to call Daryl in for supper and Purl bolts for the house. Daryl yells, "Don't let her in, she has a dead mouse!"

Well it was too late and she had her dead, STINKY mouse under the table gnawing on it. I got Purl put in her kennel and yelled "Mom!!! Get rid of it!!!" Mom just laughed, got a plastic sack and picked up the yucky smelly decapitated mouse. I did clean the carpet since she did the hard part!

So far I'm loving the new arrangement. ❤❤❤❤

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Dog Show Weekend!

 It is almost bedtime for this long weekend! The boys helped set up for the 4-H Dog Club on Friday night. There was not a lot of jobs they could do, but they did like helping build fence. I'm proud that when the boys have a job they get busy doing it! I like that they are good workers. They are not good at waiting, but neither am I!

On Saturday, we all got up early and made it to the show at 7:30am. Check in was at 8 but we wanted to help with anything we could before the show.

Daryl and Purl got a red in Showmanship, and a White in Agility. This was only their second time doing Showmanship, and their first ever try at Agility. I was proud of both of them! Hopefully we can do one more show before the County Fair.

Some other Dog Club members were trying to pump up Daryl before he did Agility. He was nervous because he had never done it before. One girl told him out of 200 points she actually got a negative score the first time she did it!

Daryl thought that was pretty funny, so he wanted a negative score too. He did a little too good for that. He got a 4...out of 200! :-)

I know it is April and I was going to try and finish a bunch of stuff in March. I'm still working on it. But I did get my first T-Shirt back from the quilter this month! It is my new bedspread. It is all shirts from High School and CCC. It brings back a lot of great memories and I love it!

I need to make another quilt soon!