Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hello Fall!

I am so happy that it is starting to feel like fall! I'm ready to wear some sweaters, watch some football and make some fires in the fire pit! We had a pretty easy weekend with one parenting lesson learned.

On Friday, Daryl wasn't feeling good so I told him to go lay down in his bed, it was almost six o'clock. I kinda forgot about him, and at almost eight I went to check on him. He was sleeping hard, so I thought maybe he would just sleep through the night. Not so much, he got up and was wide awake at 9:30pm. Kelly and I stayed up with him for an hour but then we were ready to go to bed!
He finally agreed to go to bed if he could sleep in our bed. I said yes at the exact same time Kelly said no! You can imagine which one he heard.

So, Daryl and I slept in my bed, Kelly slept in the guest bed and at 4:30am he got up again and wanted something to eat! Did I mention I never gave him dinner?! I was off of my mom game that night. Experience is the ultimate teacher, so next time I will do things differently.

Today, was a big day for Daryl. He got to Acolyte for the first time at church! He was so excited and did such a good job. I know it is silly, but I teared up a bit watching him take the light up to the alter. I just remembered him being baptized and how it doesn't seem that long ago.

Alex also had a big day because for probably the third time ever he sat in church instead of going to the nursery. He agreed that Daryl did a good job.

Then the boys got to top off the weekend at cousin Carter's birthday party. It's not every October you can have an outdoor pool party for your birthday, but this year it was great!
Have a great week everyone, I need to get some laundry done so I have clothes to wear tomorrow!!

Daryl with Pastor Morgan, he also got excited that he got to wear the robes today! 
Did I mention Daryl is now into Origami?
He asked everyone in my office if they could make a crane. Tracy could
so she helped him make one. He was hooked! He got a book and paper on Saturday, this is a fish!

Alex doing his highlights books during church! 

Alex swimming on Oct. 2nd! 

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