Sunday, September 25, 2016

Guest Blogger-Alex

Tonight, I was helping Daryl with his 4-H record book. It is due tomorrow, so ya, we are that family. Daryl was telling me what he wanted his 4-H story to say and I was typing it. Alex was sitting at the table and when Daryl and I were done he wanted to write a story too. It was such a good story I told him I would like to put it on the blog, he said "OK." So here is All About Alex, according to Alex!

My name is Alex. I am four. I like to play around. My favorite foods are tomatoes and cheese pizza. I like playing on my kindle, and I like hanging pictures up.

I go to school and my teachers are Ms. Ann, Ms. Corie and  Ms. Jen.

I like giving dad hugs and give mom kisses. I like being nice to my brother and I like eating cheese pizza. I like eating the crust. I like playing on my swing set. I like doing stuff that is really fun like a vampire game. I play it when my babysitter comes. I like going in the car and buying chocolate surprise eggs.

The End

When did he get to be so big?! Ugh! 

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