Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Knitting Little Things

I had a lot of fun this weekend working on a Christmas sweater for Alex. When I cast it on the needles on Friday, I told Alex I was making him a sweater!
Alex-I don't want a sweater!
Me-Why Not? Momma likes to make you sweaters!
Alex- Don't make me a sweater, make me a yarn shirt, ok?!
Me-Can it look like this? (I show him the pattern)
Alex-Yes, make me a yarn shirt like that!

So from here on out, I only knit yarn shirts for Alex, not sweaters! Crazy kid! I blame this on Kelly, and his sweater disdain. Quit passing your bad opinions onto our children, Kelly!

Ever since then Alex likes when I am knitting on it, when I hold it up for him he always tell me, "Mom it is still not gonna fit, keep going!"

Sometimes, when my life gets busy, the first things I stop doing is knitting and running. That is sad because these are two of the things that help me recharge, but when I haven't had much time with my family I have to put them first.

Well, this weekend there was a bit of a breakthrough on my mom guilt. I went to church with the family and afterwards I was planning on a short, short run so I could be with the boys. As I was changing clothes Daryl asked if he could run with me. We have tried this before, him on his bike and me running. It is hard because he almost runs into me a lot when he is looking around and he either goes too slow or too fast for me.

However, I was feeling like I needed to be with him so I decided to give it a try again. He did great! He kept his bike exactly where it needed to be, he kept up with my pace, and he went 3.1 miles without complaining! I asked him if we should do this again next Sunday and he was really excited about it. This could be a new activity for both of us that checks several things off of my to do list. :-)

When we got back, the fairytale was over, Alex was crying because we left without him. So, I told him to come run with me behind our house. We live by a cemetery which makes for very quiet neighbors and nice roads to run on with little kids. I'm proud to say he went a quarter mile with only two breaks! Love being able to share my hobby with my kids, now just waiting for them to want to knit....

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