Monday, October 3, 2016

Daryl Cracks Me Up

Having Daryl ride his bike while I've been running is really a win for both of us. We had one of our run/rides today after school and I get ALOT of material for the blog. Here are a few of our conversations. Mind you, I'm mostly giving him yes and no answers because I'm out of breath!

Daryl: Do you remember when my passion was smelling good?
Me: Yes
Daryl: Well now my passion is Origami, I got another Origami book at the library today and I want to make all of the animals in it.
Me: Cool
Daryl: Your passion is the same as Mrs. Garrett's, you just want to buy leggings and look like you teach first grade.
Me: I can't help it, your first grade teachers are cool!
Daryl: Ya, they are.

A little while later

Me: Daryl let's run through the rose garden.
Daryl: Ok
Me: Do you know why I like the rose garden?
Daryl: Ya that is where you got married. Does being in the garden make you remember when you ran away from Dad at your wedding?
Me: What?! I didn't run away at my wedding!!
Daryl: Don't you remember, Grandpa Richard had to go get you and drag you in?
Me: Daryl, he walked me down the aisle, he didn't drag me, and I didn't run away!
Daryl: oh, ok.

That kid! He is too funny! I'm sure he said other good ones but I was running and I couldn't write this stuff down, just I was just replaying it in my head so I could remember it when we got home!

I never posted the pictures from when the boys stayed with our
friend Joyce over labor day weekend. They got to spend time with her
miniature horses! They loved their visit with Joyce and Aunt Barb!

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