Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Scary Mom Made an Entrance

So, I was planning for this post to be about my knitting, and update on my running goal for the year. So in one sentence, I'm almost done with the second stocking and I'm NOT going to run 1,000 miles this year.

That abbreviated update is brought to you by a Daryl story that I wasn't going to share but the ending is too good not to. I might need this story later when he is a teenager.

Yesterday, before school, I asked Daryl a question and he gave me a "Duh" look with his eyes rolled back up into his head. After many days of telling him to stop with the sassy looks, I lost my cool.
I don't even remember what I asked him, that is how much red I was seeing. I got nose to nose with him and holding his chin let him know when he looks at people like that he is calling them stupid. How would he like it if someone called him stupid, I let him know I don't like it one little bit.
I then proceeded to tell him I wasn't taking him to school, because if he is so much smarter than me he can figure it out himself. (I told you I lost it!)

Kelly was in the kitchen when all this happened and thank the lord he knew HE was taking Daryl to school and I was taking Alex. At first Daryl was in shock, then when I left with Alex and not him he did start to cry.

But guess what? Momma was still mad and every once in awhile I think it's OK for him to know he has messed up. So I didn't go back into the house and BY NO MEANS did I apologize.

I talked with several co-workers about what am I going to do with this sassy boy who thinks he knows more than anyone else? For the love of all things holy, he is ONLY 8! Talking helped, while I was acting in anger I didn't touch him, other than holding his chin, and I didn't say all the things that were coming to my head. I would give my moment a solid 7 on a scale of 10 for parenting.

However, I was not going to be home last night and wouldn't see Daryl again that day. So, I left him a note. I wanted to let him know that I loved him, and we would talk later about his sass. I made a special point again about not apologizing. I was pretty surprised and pleased when I got home at 10 o'clock last night and I had a note. I love that boy! He is me in an eight year old body, that is why we clash like we do sometimes. But under all that sass my sweet snuggle bunny is still there. He just has to see "scary mom" sometimes to remember he is only 8. This morning we hugged and kissed and I didn't get one sassy look in 90 minutes. That is a new record! ;-)

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