Saturday, August 13, 2016

Done with Summer Camp!

On Friday, Daryl had his last day of Sports camp at Genesis. He really loved this camp, all of the counselors were so great with him. They played games everyday and one of those was tennis. He now wants tennis lessons and he is really excited about it. I told him once we get through August, I will look into it. He talks about it everyday so I don't think he is going to forget.

On the last week of camp they had a color war. They had something fun almost every week and that kept Daryl interested and ready for the next day. He said he wants to go back next summer!

Alex also had a last day on Friday. Starting on Monday he will be going to Preschool so Friday was his last day at Claudia's. This will be a major adjustment for all of us as Ron, Claudia and Dillon have become a part of our family. Alex has been going to Claudia's since he was six weeks old. I have accused her more than once of spoiling him, and I hope he doesn't have a rude awakening at school.

He was not sad because he is so excited about school but I think soon he will want to go see Ron and Claudia. He will miss them before too long, I miss them already!
<3 nbsp="" p="">
<3 nbsp="" p="">I will have a birthday party post tomorrow or Monday. Right now I'm on day two of a stay cation. I'm off work Monday and Tuesday of next week and I had last Friday off too. Just getting stuff done around the house. Friday I spent the majority of the day cleaning the boys' room. It looks great! Goals for my stay cation are to finish my kindle book before the library takes it back and finish the second stocking I'm working on. It was actually the first one I knit but the second one turned out so much better I'm going to re-knit the toe of the first one. Then it will be time to mail them to their new owners!
Next four days.
1.) Read
2.) Knit
3.) Clean
In exactly this order!!

The counselors signed the kids' shirt their last day. Daryl's
nickname, given by the counselors, is Meerkat.

Alex didn't want to make a nice face. :-)

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