Monday, August 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Meerkats!

On Saturday, we had Daryl and Alex's birthday party at the trampoline park! It was a great time with a great turnout. We did have one fail, I didn't get a picture of all the kids together. This makes three years in a row I haven't gotten that picture. Oops! 

We had special visitors from South Dakota for our party! Henry and Charles came for the weekend with Grandma Rosie!! They did so good away from mom and dad, Charlie only got sad at night and not for very long. 

Thank you to all the special friends who came to celebrate with the boys. So far we are still getting away with only having one birthday party. Since the boys have so many of the same friends it just makes for one great get together. 

Daryl tried the zip line at the trampoline park and I was so proud of him. He is really getting brave on me. Since Daryl doesn't weigh that much he did get stuck in the middle of the zip line and was just hanging there. He didn't freak out and the worker when out and got him. A great memory for all of us! Alex's favorite present were water balloons that he got. He bugged us all Saturday to play with them and I kept telling him "Maybe tomorrow." 

So at 9am on Sunday morning he was in his swim trunks ready to play water balloons. So we did! He said it was his "Most Perfect Idea." So cute! 

Stuck on the Zip line! 

Ada can eat some pizza! 

Singing Happy Birthday, for some reason Alex got sad. 

Sunday Morning Water Balloons! 

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