Tuesday, August 16, 2016

New Life Adventures; Preschool and 2nd Grade

So yesterday Alberto, (real name Alex), had his first day of preschool! He has been so excited about this all summer. The day had finally come and I was getting him dressed and I asked him, "Who do you think your teacher will be?"

Alex-"I don't know but maybe a gorilla!"

I crack up laughing because we watch way to much Peppa Pig where all the characters are animals. I hope he wasn't too disappointed when he realized all his teachers were humans!
We dropped him off at 8am and he just ran through the doors and started checking out all of the toys. When I tried to tell him goodbye and give him a hug I got a quick "Bye," without him even looking up. I'm so glad he wasn't sad or scared, BUT a hug would have been nice!

When the whole family went to pick him up he said "This is my bestest school ever!" (We need to work on the proper English, but I'm taking the happiness as a good sign. The teachers said he had a great first day but just needs to work on lining up and staying in a line. They say that is what preschool is for!

Last night he did finally have the break down that I thought would eventually happen. After we put him in bed he started to cry and said he didn't want to go back to school. He couldn't tell us why but I asked him if he missed Claudia. He shook his little head yes and then cried a little harder. This morning he was happy to go to school again but Claudia was such a big part of his life I know he misses her and his friends at her daycare. :-(

Today was Daryl's first day of 2nd grade! He found out last night that his teacher is Mrs. Armfield, and he was really happy about that! He also has many of his friends in his class. This morning when it was time to go he was Mr. Cool. He didn't care about what outfit he was going to wear and he wouldn't take a serious picture. I can't believe the attitude he already has four days away from eight years old!! Ugh!

But he had a huge smile on his face walking into school and that means more to me than anything else. He loves his school, he is excited to see his friends and I trust the entire staff at his school to take care of him. As a mom, you can't ask for much more. It was a great week and tomorrow I will go back to work. It was a nice break and the entire Manor is ready to settle into our new routine. :-)

Alex getting ready to walk into preschool for his first day! 

After day one of school! Can't hardly even get into the house! 

Daryl's first day of 2nd grade, Al's second day of preschool! 

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