Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Long Weekend Over, Back to Work!

 It might be Tuesday but it still feels like a Monday to me! The Manor did get a chance to sneak away this long weekend back to SW Kansas.
My nephew Canyon graduated 8th grade and while we couldn't make the ceremony we did want to give him some in person congrats and hugs!
I remember the phone call I received my freshman year of college telling me I was an Aunt for the very first time when Canyon was born. Soon he will be taller than me, time has flown!

 With my family and my sister's family together for two days of course we had to play ball, go to a park, fish and stay up too late visiting and watching movies. It was a good time spent with them and I miss them already!

I'm also going to be missing my own family this week as I head to K-State with some of my 4-H'ers. We will be there till Friday and then I'll turn around and take some different 4-H'ers to camp till next Tuesday.

I got some hugs this morning but probably not enough. I just hope the week goes by fast for me! I know it will go by fast for them. Daryl started day camp today at Gage park. He loved this camp last year and was so excited to go back. Alex will be at Ron and Claudia's and he missed them over the long weekend and was ready to be with them today too. Grandma Rosie is coming up for the weekend so they have that to look forward to as well. They won't even notice I'm gone. :-)

Kelly is starting to work with Alex and saying his "S" sounds. He needs to get a video of the way he says spoon, squirrel and school before Alex fixes them. I love the way he can't say things just right. I can't even type how he says them, I just tried, it's too cute. So while I'm gone Kelly work on that video of my Baby Alex before he is a big boy!

Bye all, I'll catch up with you in June!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Last Day of 1st Grade

Had a fun day following Daryl around as he finished 1st grade. School let out at 11:30 so I took the whole day off to hang out with him after the morning. I'm glad I did because I got a lot done too. I did laundry, ran outside, made a trip to Target and got a haircut. Many things I have been needing to do for a couple weeks now.
I will now share for you Daryl's day!

He started out with his favorite breakfast, over easy egg
with toast to dunk in the yolk! 
Picture on the first day of school. 

Have to take your picture by the rock!

Last time in awhile seeing our bus stop friend Nelly!

Loading up for the last time!

Saying goodbye to Mrs. G. She was exactly the teacher Daryl
needed and he adores her. He tried to talk her into being his
2nd grade teacher!

Lunch with mom and dad and it was Daryl's choice. So he got
a Happy Meal.

After lunch we hung out at the library for a bit. Daryl is determined
to stay on his reading level so he already read his 20 minutes for today. 

After the library it was time to play ball in the backyard.
He doesn't need me, he can catch and bat all by himself.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

No Time for Words

Daryl did have his first baseball game last night! I was so glad they got to play because we did have some rain yesterday morning. They lost 3-0 but his team did good! Daryl had a blast and Alex got to play in the dirt so he was happy too. Their game started at 8 and we got home last night at 10. As you can imagine my morning was full of frowns and fits. This is the life!
Got to see my daughters this weekend! 

We all love the train! Alex might also have a crush on Addison!

Daryl batting

Sunday, May 15, 2016

He is Growing Up Too Fast!

Daryl has been surprising me lately with signs of him growing up. On Friday I needed something from Wal-Mart and the boys got all excited to go too. Daryl took his wallet so I figured he had enough to get a WWE action figure.
I was wrong, when we got to the store he took Kelly directly to the aisle with the Axe body spray and he smelled them all. He found the one he liked and he bought it with his own money. When asked why he wanted to buy it he said, "Because that's what the girls like." :-)

All harmless as long as you don't need to go into the boys' bathroom. It reeks of Axe in there!

Just tonight when he got his allowance for this week he said the words every debt free mom wants to hear. "Mom can you help me do a budget?"
I dropped everything and we got some paper and did his June budget. He put a lot of thought into it! I was so proud of his first little budget.

Hopefully tomorrow he can play in his first baseball game for the Rhinos. It might rain so I'm not talking it up too much. He got his uniform last Thursday and he has found a reason to put on his Jersey every day since. He picked out his own number. I love it!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day: A Cautionary Tale

A picture of my boys from last summer! 
Kelly wanted to know why I would blog about Mother's Day this year. I told him his story could help another poor fool out there. He rolled his eyes. So I just let him know I always blog about Mother's Day and what kind of entry it is is always up to him.

Sunday was Mother's Day. For the past several years I have told Kelly what we are doing on Mother's Day as I like to run the Kansas City Mother's Day 5K. It is a fun race and then we can all go out to lunch. This year I had to work so I left the planning up to him.

I did get a gift from Daryl that he made at school but he couldn't wait and it was delivered to me on Friday. It was an adorable book all about me. I LOVE IT!

I didn't know what would happen on Sunday but I was kind of looking forward to being surprised for once, and a surprise I did get. Kelly decided that since I was working all day we really weren't going to be able to do "Mother's Day". AKA he had no plans.

He didn't say this up front so I just kind of waited all day...for something. Finally, I got home from work on Sunday night and after I helped put the boys to bed I asked him, "Are you mad at me?" He had that confused look men get when they have no idea what is wrong, but they know something is wrong!

I then let him know that it was Mother's Day and he hadn't even said the words "Happy Mother's Day." He thought about it and was apologizing all over the place, then I found out he figured we just weren't doing it.

So to all the men out there, don't make the same mistake, YOU ALWAYS DO MOTHERS DAY! Your wife or mom might be half way around the world, but you have to say the words. Saying Happy Mother's Day or Thank you for being an awesome mom is mandatory. A card  or something else is just icing on the cake. ;-)