Sunday, January 31, 2016

Kansas Day

We are at the end of the first month of 2016. 1/12th of your year is OVER, how are your goals coming? For me the running is not so good, the knitting is on track and I'm rocking my reading goal. I wish my interests played nicer with each other.....
So Friday was Kansas Day, I had a big morning planned for Alex and I to celebrate our state's birthday! We really have to take advantage of the times we can celebrate KS these days. :-/
Alex and I headed out for a Kansas Day party at the community center, complete with craft and snack. Alex was so cute, he thought it was like school and wanted to wear his backpack! So we left and were super excited, then we were not. We got to the community center and the Kansas Day class had been cancelled. The staff was sure they had left a message on our phone. Since I was holding my three year old's hand I handled it really well. But when we turned to leave Alex said "But mommy why are we leaving?"
So I did what any mom would do who had been talking up a class for a week that was not going to happen I told him "We are going to Bonkers!"
Alex-"Are we going to play the games?"
Me-"We are going to play ALL the games!"
See the freezer in our dinning room? That's another blog post. 

Kansas Day at Bonkers rocks! 

Especially when you are one of three kids there. 

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