Sunday, January 10, 2016

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Grandma Evelyn had her 93rd birthday party today. She was surrounded by her husband, kids, and cake. Can't think of a better way to celebrate! The boys really enjoyed the party too, Grandma's retirement home has an ice cream machine, fish and an elevator. What more could a kid want!

When we got home I put the finishing touches on my Harvest Moon cardigan! I still need to give it a bath but it is so great to have it all sewn up! Yay!! This does not count as one of my four 2016 sweaters, it was all done but the pockets in 2015.

Have a great week!

Happy Birthday Grandma! 

The cake was good! 

Carson liked it too. :-)

Sweater still needs a bath

I think the back is my favorite part.

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