Thursday, August 20, 2015


I have had a lack of updates recently! For one reason or another when it has been time to update the blog I choose to knit or go to bed instead. Well, I finally have some progress to show on some projects!
My Harvest Moon cardigan is coming along nicely. I am working on the bottom which is a little tricky because of some pockets. I like pockets so I am going to stick with it. The handspun yarn is making the cardigan a touch "loud" but I've been assured by friends I can just wear it with a black shirt and I'll be fine. I hope these fine people are not leading me astray!

My Pennsylvania socks are not done even though that trip was two months ago! I tried to make some progress during the fair but that didn't really work out either. I would say I have two thirds of the pair done. I don't want to cast on another thing until both of these projects are done.

That needs to happen pretty quickly because we have already missed the annual birthday sweaters. I know, I'm sorry, what kind of mother doesn't hand knit their kid a sweater every year. I have failed them both....
BUT, I have a new plan because I make new plans when old plans fail.

The NEW plan is Christmas sweaters!! Thank you baby Jesus for giving me another opportunity to shower my sweet angels with wool!! I just can't wait until they find out one of their three presents is a sweater, they are just going to....hmmmm....maybe I didn't think this through. I'll wrap some cash up in those sweaters! That will make them the best gifts ever! 
Speaking of a best gift ever, today is Daryl's birthday!!! Happy Birthday little D!!
He is pretty confused about the whole deal because he swears he already had his birthday. And he is referencing his birthday party. Evidently once you blow out the candles, the deal is done, you have aged.
I'm not going to fight about it with him, we have way too much other stuff to fight about. :-)
Daryl is a little con artist. Last night when we were planning what to cook for dinner he sold Wendy's to us. He had two well thought out points.
First, Mom you like Wendy's it's your favorite fast food. (Well Played)
Second, We can have a frosty as a celebration for the last day that I am six. (This kid is too good!)
He won, we had Wendy's. When we got home I was trying to get him to practice his sight words with flash cards that I had made him. Well he didn't want to do it anymore so I convinced him to be the teacher and see if I know them. Well, I decided to get some of them wrong just to see if he was paying attention and to see if he knows them.
Daryl-What is this word? (Shows me once)
Me-Ounce .
Daryl-That's wrong mom it is once.
Me-Oh, you are right.
Daryl- (In kind of a whisper like he was embarrssed) Mom, I think I am a little smarter than you...


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