Friday, August 28, 2015

Beautiful Weather and Back To School

Today, I got to eat lunch with Daryl at school for their back to school picnic. It is always so much fun to do things with him at school. He just lights up when I get to do things like this with him.

He earned enough tickets to wear a hat to school today. He went through Kelly's hats to pick one. That is funny because he has my pumpkin head and can actually wear Kelly's hats! He is going to have that big 'ol Moreno head just like me. :-)
 I don't know about you but I have been loving this fallish weather! It was exactly what the doctor ordered to get me running in the mornings. When it was so humid it was painful to put in the morning miles. It should never be 80 degrees at 5am, never! 15 days out from my race I'm happy to say my long runs are done. In the past three weekends I did 16, 18 and 19 miles.

Alex playing with a squirrel in Gage Park.
That last run was supposed to be 20 but that wasn't happening. I'm hoping these days of tapering get me to 26 on race day. No matter if I run, walk or crawl across the finish line, I'm going to finish.
 My long run this week is 12 miles and next weekend it is 8. It's crazy that those seem easy. A year ago I would have cried if you told me I had to do a 12 mile training run. :-) Even if I'm slow I'm happy about how much farther I can run now.

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