Monday, August 10, 2015

Last Weekend of Summer

I know the calendar may say one thing, but as far as children are concerned the last weekend before school starts is the last weekend of summer. We packed our weekend with lots of family time and swimming!
On Friday night the whole family got to be a part of the 4-H Exchange swim party. Pam hosted us at her house and the boys love hanging out there and Daryl really loves hanging out with the "big" kids.
On Saturday we kept the fun and 4-H rolling at the Horse show. Normally the boys would stay home but this morning they came along. They were not too excited with the horses after about 40 minutes but then they found some dirt. The dirt kept them busy for over an hour! Dirt for the win!!
Sunday was the boys joint birthday party! Family and friends helped us celebrate Daryl turning 7 and Alex turning 3. We have really come to like the big birthday party we get to do for both of the boys. This year we went to the Ramada West and rented the pool and a room for the party. It turned out really great!
Using an indoor pool takes out a lot of the stress of a pool party. The kids all had so much fun I bet they all slept good on Sunday night!
The only thing I didn't do was a get a picture of all of the kids that were at the party. Darn! They were all so cute in their swim suits.
I did get a picture of the birthday boys!

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