Tuesday, August 11, 2015

1st Dentist Trip!

Alex had his first visit to the dentist today! The first time Daryl went to the dentist it was a total mess and he never even opened his mouth. He cried and cried, with his mouth closed. Daryl didn't get a real exam until his third visit.
So, with Alex I had a plan. Since Daryl is prone to cavities he is actually a little pro at the dentist now. And true to form he had a cavity today, he is consistent!
Watching brother get his teeth cleaned. 

Daryl had the first appointment and Alex watched him and saw everything that was going to happen to him. Then it was Alex's turn. I can't say Alex was totally thrilled when we arrived at East Topeka Dental, (can't say enough good about ETDA) but my pictures show the story better than I can tell it!

Sitting in the chair with brother, starting to get nervous.

Right before it was his turn he told me he wanted to go home. 

Once the Hygienist put the little bib on him he got stiff as a BOARD. I was thinking there was no way he was going to open his mouth! 

Then he got a taste of the mint stuff they clean your teeth with and he decided to just chill in the chair and he did everything they asked him to do! She said he was the best three year old she ever saw! Best part, no cavities!

I'm glad the hygienist and dentist didn't see him like this after his birthday party! 


  1. It seems that the mint did the trick. Or at least it was the one that made him sit down and relax as the dental treatment commenced. And that's a good thing. Dental checkups are important, but it’s important that a person is comfortable with it. It pays that people feel that at a very young age, since that will inform how they approach it in the future.

    Nicky Waller @ My Grand Dental

    1. You are right about the mint paste. It was also great that the Hygienist was very patient and calm with him. Kept telling him how awesome he was. He still talks about going to the dentist and sitting in the Big Chair!
