Thursday, April 30, 2015

I don't have the only cussing 2 year old

If you are easily offended with cuss words, this post is not for you. If you yourself have a child who cusses without realizing it, and you thought it was funnier than H-E-Double Toothpicks, this post is for you!

I start this post with the confession that I was not going to write this story. I thought I was the only mom who had a toddler speaking profanities.

But then, I was at a work conference this week and I ran into TWO mothers who had experienced this exact same thing. So evidently a very popular Bruno Mars song is creating problems for more than just me.

The song I am referring to is "Uptown Funk" by Bruno Mars. I'm not going to lie it is a pretty catchy song. I will find myself humming it at home. That is part of the problem...

So the chorus of the song is the lyrics, Uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up. Turns out Alex can't say the "n" in funk. So one afternoon our whole family was in the car, when this song comes on the radio. From the backseat we hear Alex in the back seat chanting, "fuck you up, fuck you up". He says it really fast and over and over again. Kelly and I are trying not to burst out laughing but we should have because Daryl was already busting a gut!

So, you know what happens once a toddler finds something that makes someone laugh, they do it over and over again!
So if I am humming the tune or it comes on the radio, Alex commences with his cussing session. Turns out this is the typical response of all toddlers who listen to the song. They ALL SAY IT WRONG!
While other mom's know their baby's first word (I'm sure I wrote that down someplace...) I do know that Alex's first BAD word was ass. That one can be blamed on the movie Home Alone or the parents who let their two year old watch it, whatever floats your boat. But I now know his first F bomb was in April of 2015. (SARCASM) I couldn't be more proud!(SARCASM)
Can you believe this little angel talks like a sailor!

Knitting update-I made a thing! I needed to do something fast and east to try and get some knitting mojo back. I did a pattern that I have memorized and made my Aunt Rita some of "Granny's favorite dishcloths." She let me stay with her while I was on my work trip and I appreciated them hosting me for a couple of days. I had a really good time staying with family!
Running update-As of 6:50am this morning I've run 100 miles this month!! Its the 30th so that won't change but this is the first time I've ever done this. I'm pretty proud of myself. :-)  

Saturday, April 18, 2015

I Can't Move!

I had my second of three half marathons today. It was the Garmin Marathon and it was a well put together race. They had the port a potty system worked out. Trust me getting several thousand people one last chance to pee is a very important factor in everyone's race!
The race started at 6:45am so for the first time I told my cheering section to sleep in. I had to leave the house at 5:00am and went to the race solo. I was really happy I didn't get lost even though I did take a "scenic" route home. :-)
I lined up with the 2:10 pace group and finished with a time of 2:09:12! I went a little faster and last weeks race also caught up with me. About mile 10 my legs started to get really heavy, then at mile 11 it started to rain. So another first, I finished this race in the rain!
Usually after a race you get a bagel, banana and chocolate milk. This race had all that and BBQ chicken sandwiches! Turns out 9am is not too early for lunch! Just kidding, the sandwich was a snack, I had lunch when I got home!

When I got home Daryl had a friend over and they got to play together for the afternoon. We even braved the sprinkles and went to the zoo. Every time I turned around one of them was splashing in a puddle!
Alex had so much fun he left the zoo a screaming mess! So when we got home it was nap time. He thought it was snack time so he insisted on taking some donut holes with him. He was so tired he only ate one and fell asleep! It was so cute I had to take a picture, then I fell asleep too!
I've been on the couch since seven, I hope my legs are better tomorrow. I have one last race the second weekend of May!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Going Slow for a Reason

Yesterday I finished my 3rd half marathon. It was my slowest to date, in 2013 I did my first at 2:07, last year I PR'd at 1:56. But slow was the game plan since I've signed up for the Heartland 39.3 series.
In the series you do three half marathons in four weeks. I didn't want to go all out and then hurt my foot, like I did last year.
I learned a lot of things by slowing down a bit, it was way more fun than my other two races. I was talking and joking with the runners around me. I was reading all the signs, enjoying all the aid stations and I didn't have any cramps or leg pain. I didn't even run with my Garmin watch, I just vowed to stay with the 2:15 pace group. I did run ahead at mile 10 because I was feeling so good and ended with a 2:13:21 finish time.
The plan is to line up with the 2:10 pace group this Saturday and I hope it is as much fun.
Since my race was in Kansas City I asked my Aunt Gloria and Uncle Maurice if we could stay at their house. It was so much fun as their house was always the guest house when we took Kansas City vacations when I was a kid. They have always been gracious hosts! Daryl and Alex even got to play with their second cousins (all boys) and had so much fun they didn't want to leave. :-)
The boys got to the race in time to see me finish and I always love having my cheering section there! It reminds me of every time I leave the house and Alex goes, "Momma run, bye momma!"

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter Everyone!

 We had a wonderful day at the Manor. First the Easter Bunny made a stop in the wee hours of the morning. If you think our Easter Basket picture looks dark it's because Daryl woke up at 6:45am!

Alex is not a morning person so he went out to get eggs but was not that crazy about it.

Alex's new cute thing is when he wakes up in the morning, he pulls his blanket over his head and says, "No! Me Sleep!" It's pretty cute.

The Easter bunny brought Daryl some Lumi Dough that he has been wanting and Alex got some bubbles. Daryl was really excited about his basket and then he looks at Kelly and I and says, "What did you get me for Easter?" We told him Easter is not Christmas and get ready for church!

After church we headed to Holton for Easter Dinner/Birthday party for cousin Carson. The boys had so much fun they cried (hard) when it was time to leave. Along with games with cousins the boys also had a great time playing with the local wildlife. Daryl found a huge earthworm, and Alex stalked Carter's cat all afternoon.

Earlier in the week the boys got a box from Grandma Rosie. When Daryl saw the package on the front porch he knew it was addressed to him but he couldn't read who it was from. I asked him, "Daryl who sent you a box?" He said, "It is from either Grandma Rosie or God!". I told him I didn't think it was from God. He said, "You are probably right, God probably doesn't use the mail!" Thank you Grandma Rosie for the awesome shirts!