Tuesday, March 3, 2015

When are we just lying to them?

I don't mean to spark a pro or anti "fictional gift-givers" debate. We do Santa here, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter bunny. Kids grow up so fast that it is nice to play pretend with them and let them have a little mystery.
Here is my issue. What about when they start asking all kinds of questions. And they are not probing, "are these people real" questions. When Daryl asks those I will tell him the truth.
These questions are, "Can I write the Easter Bunny a letter?" "Does the Easter Bunny have bunny helpers?" "Does God talk to the Easter Bunny?" "If I tell God what I want can he tell the Easter Bunny?"
I can tell a few white lies but this seems a little too much. I was this close to telling him, "Listen, I'm the Easter Bunny, and NO you are not getting an IPAD."  But then does the topic change to Santa? I'm over thinking this and just need to go to bed but if you feel like sharing when and why you spilled the jelly beans, please feel free!
This Saturday, Daryl participated in his first 4-H Club Days. He did a Show and Share for the cloverbud division(5 and 6 year olds). Show and Share is like show and tell except it is suppossed to be about something 4-H. Since 4-H covers a lot it leaves it pretty wide open. However, a Spiderman piggy bank doesn't really count.
On Thursday, I helped Daryl prepare a Show and Share about a lego thing he had built. Legos are a 4-H project. We practiced the lego talk again on Friday. I left for the event before Daryl woke up on Saturday so I was confused as I watched him walk into the event. I realized there were no legos in his hand just a Spiderman piggy bank he won at school bingo the night before.
Dad didn't get the memo that the talk had to be related to 4-H. No harm no foul, all 6 year olds get the same ribbon. It is more about the experience of talking in front of a judge. He talked about his piggy bank very well!
 Daryl also got a Spiderman towel at school bingo night.
Daryl giving his talk

Daryl and Mom's club days selfie!

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