Wednesday, February 25, 2015

He's Digging Up Bones

I think I am more excited when Daryl gets a Scholastic book order form than he is. We look at it for days before we decide what he will order. So far I've bought him a couple books each time. One he wants and one I think he will enjoy. I have to brag that my books are the most popular each time.

The last time the order came he didn't want a book at all. I was a little heart broken. He said he wanted a Dino dig toy. It was $10 and I told him I wouldn't buy him another toy. Lord knows we have enough toys. Well Daryl is a man of means. So when he said he would use his own money I decided not to argue. He could buy his dino dig with his own money and I would not be ordering him any books this time.

Turns out Daryl made a pretty cool little purchase. He got it on Tuesday and he has spent probably two and a half hours brushing and digging for bones. He is still not done. And the set did come with a book. Way to go Scholastic, way to go! My little archaeologist hasn't watched TV for two days, he just wants to sit in the kitchen and dig. I love it!

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