Monday, February 16, 2015

Bye Bye Bubba

For the last six weeks The Manor has been hosting Grandma Rosie. Alex calls all his grandmas bubba so the name kind of stuck! Bubba had knee replacement surgery in early January and did her recovery with our crazy family.
Bubba is all better and left us on Sunday. We took her to Orange Leaf before she left for Southwest Kansas. It is sad that she is not in the guest room anymore. The boys loved having her here and I enjoyed her company too. It won't be long till she retires and she will be around much more. This was a nice little preview and we will enjoy when the next time she can stay as long as she likes!

I feel like I neglected some family updates because I was just focusing on our "debt free" post. So lets do a roll call!
Kelly-Got a new lawn mower. He is now just waiting for the grass to start growing. I'm serious, he can't wait for the grass to grow so he can cut it. Men are so weird.
Candi-Started  training this month for the Rock The Parkway half marathon in April. It's been hard to do my long runs on a treadmill so I'm hoping for some warm weather soon!
Daryl-Has switched focus from total WWE to a growing interest in Pokemon cards. I don't understand those either so the kid continues to mystify me. There are cute Pokemon so I can get behind that. Unfortunately, I don't think the cute ones are very helpful for the actual game.
Alex-Is starting to potty train. He is the opposite of most kids and has doing #2 on the toilet down, now we just have to get him to start peeing in the potty. The struggle is real for two year olds!

Knitting is slow, still working on my Olive sweater. New goal for that project is my Leadership Topeka graduation luncheon in May. I have been knitting on it during my classes and the whole class now wants to see it done! New motivation! :-)

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