Monday, March 16, 2015

Mr. 4-H

With all the great weather we have been having, it feels like spring is here! The boys have been playing in the backyard, Kelly has been working on things outside and I've been running outdoors!

Last week Daryl made a homemade chia pet at his 4-H club meeting. He named him Mr. 4-H. On Saturday the grass started to poke through the top and today (Monday) he thought it was crazy how much hair his little guy has. He is super excited for the day he can cut the hair with scissors.

I'ts a pretty easy project if you want to copy it. You just take the foot of some old pantyhose and put in two spoons of grass seed in first. Then put in enough potting soil to make a large ball. Tie a knot in the panty hose to keep all the dirt in a ball.

We used a hot glue gun to put on the eyes and attach the head to the small flower pot. Then you just water it and keep the head moist. You don't want to over water or you will just grow mold. When I told Daryl that he thought growing mold would be OK too. Crazy kid!

Between playing outside and work this weekend I made two place mats! I have enough fabric to make six but only time to make two. Here is where I got the pattern. I cut mine 13 inches by 17.5 inches. I'm only mentioning that because when I make the other four I probably won't remember how I cut the first two!

 I wanted them a little bit smaller than regular place mats because I'm styling our new table. With the sheep salt and pepper shakers it is starting to come together. Kelly doesn't understand making your table look nice, but he is playing along. He just doesn't want anymore sheep in the house decor...I don't know if I can make that promise!

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