Wednesday, January 28, 2015

100th Day of School!

There are a lot of things I would like to blog about, but they haven't happened yet. We are getting a new table, but it's not here yet. We are going to be debt free, but not until Feb. 12th. I will finish my green olive pullover, but not today.
One thing that is happening today is it is the 100th day of school. I don't think when I was in school anyone cared about how long we had been in school until May. Now they make it a super fun day. One of the things the kids get to do is come dressed like they are 100. We have had way too much fun with this. Kelly made Daryl a walker and Grandma Rosie and I found some mustaches and white hair paint. I can't wait till the end of the day to find out what his day was like!



Monday, January 19, 2015

Three Day Weekend

Had a great weekend with Mom and the boys! We have been relaxing at home most of the time. In the three days I only got in one run, but it was my longest in awhile at 6.15 miles.

I did knit a little on the sweater that does not end. I'm almost to eight inches of the 13.5 I have to knit. So that is progress. But the most interesting thing I've been working on is a new spin. I've had this 8 ounces of BFL fiber since I was pregnant with Alex. I dyed it myself at Yarn School. It is spinning like a dream and I think it will make a smooshy three ply. Will hopefully get that done this week as I have A LOT of yarn that needs washed.

Today, Mom got the staples out of her knee. So glad she is starting to make progress. She is getting around better so today we went and got pedicures to celebrate. It was fun!

Sometimes I just like to go through the pictures on Kelly's phone. I don't know what is going on in these two but I thought they deserved to be posted! Happy Monday every one!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Knitting Black Hole

The good news is mom is at home (our home) and getting along a lot better. She had knee replacement surgery on January 9th and that first week was a little rough. More for her than me!

The bad news is I took three knitting project with me to stay with her in the hospital and in four days I only finished one. I blame my Olive blouse. It has hit the point where I need to knit straight for THIRTEEN inches. In regular yarn this is a long time, in lace weight yarn I could be dead before I hit thirteen inches. I knit on it constantly for three days and I got a grand total of three inches. :-( I've now been knitting on it on and off for five more days and I just hit four inches! :-|

OK, more good news. I have been getting in a decent amount of runs in again (after the holiday craziness) and I'm feeling good. Hoping to do a six mile run this weekend. I did the math and last year I ran 621 miles. So my running goal for this year is 720 miles. So far I'm doing good! I won't call is a New Year's resolution because no one keeps those. This is my 2015 goal.
Other goals are to knit three sweaters for me (I need to work down some of my yarn stash).
Last goal is to read 12 books this year (at least 6 non fiction)

I would revisit last year's goals but I didn't really do many of them so why bother. This is a new year!!  2015 is going to be GREAT! The first 14 days have been great already!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pirates at Church

One of my pastors when I was young said, "God doesn't care what you wear to church as long as you are there." So when Daryl asked if he could wear his new pirate costume on Sunday Kelly said No Way!
Then mom said what does it hurt? So dad changed his mind. Daryl got the costume for Christmas from his great grandparents and wore it for two days solid. He got many compliments from fellow parishioners. We love our church because they love us. Even our son who from time to time comes in costume!

My first completed knit of the year was a Zuzu petals cowl. I like it but I was hoping it would be more green. It only took a few days to knit because I was on vacation for New Years. Right now I'm sitting with my mom in the hospital after her knee replacement surgery. I brought three different projects so I shouldn't get bored!