Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The list works!

I got my to-do list done last week, so I made another one! I don't know why it pleases me so to cross something off of a list, but it does!
One of the things on the list was to finish Daryl's winter hat. It happened just in time as it got really cold yesterday and Daryl was prepared!
Not the best light but Dad was not pleased about having to stop and take a matching hat picture when he was trying to get everyone out of the door. Priorities Kelly, priorities!

Yesterday, I had the day off of work so Daryl and I had a Mommy Daryl day! It had been awhile and there was a Veterans Day parade downtown we did not want to miss. Alex went to the sitter's because Topeka parades are long and this one was cold. Not really Al's thing!
We started the day with sleeping in! Daryl came to my room fully dressed and ready (teeth brushed, hair gel'd) to get me up at 8:30am. He later informed his dad he HAD to get ready all by himself because mom was still in bed. What an independent little guy I have!

Breakfast was Donuts at Dillons!

We hung out at the park before the parade because
we knew it was going to get cold!
The main event was the Veteran's Day parade. We both loved it! Daryl is fascinated with the military and waved his paper flag as hard as he could. When the different branches of military marched by it brought tears to my eyes. I looked around and I was not the only one! Thank you to everyone who has served our country!

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