Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The come back of the To Do List!

Maybe it is all the extra sleep I've been getting but I think it is time for the To Do list to start happening again! Kelly will not be excited about this as often my to do list becomes his to do list.
I don't argue that but if he would make a list and could prove his focus to "Gettin' stuff done!" he would not have to participate in my focus. I think that made sense?
The "To Do list" theory by me, means you make a list on Monday that has to be done by Sunday. If you get it done you win satisfaction, accomplishment, and a sense of winning a life.
If you don't get it done you get a longer list next week. You win the feeling that life is getting out of control and you are about to fall off this merry go round!
So I make the lists with all good intentions and hope they keep me focused and not stressed. I find this system is very good as the Holidays get closer to make sure I'm ready for those little things called Thanksgiving and Christmas!
After all, the holidays are not fun if you are not ready and trying to do everything the week of. I've been there, and you don't want to be knitting at the Christmas party trying to get a hat done before gift giving starts!!
This weeks list:
Put away Halloween Décor
Take a dress to the tailor for a party later this month
Finish D's Hat
Put buttons on D's Vest
Clean my room
Mail a package sitting on my table

So far it is going well!
We spent last weekend in SW Kansas and were treated to AMAZING weather. The boys played outside all day on Saturday with cousins. They slept two hours on the way back home because they had played so hard. I love these short trips home!

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