Friday, November 8, 2013

Potty Mouth

It seems that every week Daryl has a new bad word that he gets to say once before Mom or Dad corrects him. This time was particularly funny to Kelly.

Kelly picked Daryl up from daycare to take him to preschool Wednesday. Daryl asked him if he could play a game on Kelly’s phone. Kelly handed him the phone while he was driving.

Somehow the game locked up and no matter what button Daryl pushed nothing happened. That is when Kelly hears from the back seat.

“Oh man, What the Hell is going on?”

Kelly informs Daryl that we don’t say hell. Daryl is used to this conversation as another new word goes on the “Bad Word” list.

What cracked Kelly up is that he always uses his new words in proper context! I tell him I’ve heard Kelly say that phrase before and I think I know where Daryl learned this one!

The To Do list is going well. I’ve crossed off a few more items. All that is really left is the knitting things and clean my room. I think I shall sit in my messy room and knit! This weekend is supposed to be nice so I’m buying some time for Daryl’s winter hat.

Yesterday, Kelly and I made our first snowball payment to my student loan. We paused a bit after paying off the car to fix the back yard so it was great to start paying off the debt again. If anyone needs a plan we use this one.

My new student loan balance is 8607 and I can’t wait until Kelly’s student loan is the LAST DEBT TO PAY!!!!! I’m keeping my enthusiasm up as we throw all the extra money onto the school loans. I might be getting a little too intense as I rolled my eyes at Kelly yesterday for getting Taco Bell when we had food at home! We have to keep each other focused here. J

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