Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Short lived hat success

 Hi everyone, remember this hat? This picture was taken on November 14th, this is the last time this green and blue hat was seen. It is not at school, the sitter's or the coat closet. Farewell hand knit hat. The two weeks we had you were good!

Better news, last week Uncle Asa, Aunt Diane, Charlie and Henry were in town! They were just driving through but they stopped to have lunch with Daryl and I. It was so fun to talk to Henry and kiss on Charlie. I can't wait till Christmas when I can see them again! Love and miss that Stiles family!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Backyard Bliss

It is a cold and wet day so I will post a pic of this weekend when it was sunny and nice. A little windy but nice. I'm proud of Kelly on getting the grass to come up so well. I know it is going to be a great yard Spring/Summer 2014!

Knitting a lot on Christmas gifts. That means I won't be able to share many details. I am going on a work trip this weekend so I will get lots of knitting done. I won't be able to show you any of it. At least not until after December 25th! I'm only making four gifts this year and I will let you know when they are done. I just don't want to be knitting on Christmas eve while everyone else is visiting. That is not fun! Don't do it folks, get that knitting done early!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

It was bound to happen

Last Friday I was working hard getting ready for an event on Saturday. I had a couple of people in my office when I peeked at my clock and realized something. I had forgotten to pick up Daryl! I probably scared everyone in my office as I grabbed my keys and flew out the front door. When I arrived at Daryl's school fifteen minutes late he was in the office. He wasn't as sad as I thought he might be so that was good. Still swimming in guilt, back at work I called Kelly.
Me-I forgot Daryl at school. I feel so bad.
Kelly- yay I felt bad too when I forgot him.
Me-What! You never told me you forgot him!
Kelly- Oh yeah, I think you were out of town and the school had to call me.
Me- That makes me feel better I thought I was the first one to forget him. LOL!

Saturday was our annual 4-H achievement ceremony. It went very well!  The kids even got to pie me in celebration of all of their accomplishments. It was a great 4-H year!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The list works!

I got my to-do list done last week, so I made another one! I don't know why it pleases me so to cross something off of a list, but it does!
One of the things on the list was to finish Daryl's winter hat. It happened just in time as it got really cold yesterday and Daryl was prepared!
Not the best light but Dad was not pleased about having to stop and take a matching hat picture when he was trying to get everyone out of the door. Priorities Kelly, priorities!

Yesterday, I had the day off of work so Daryl and I had a Mommy Daryl day! It had been awhile and there was a Veterans Day parade downtown we did not want to miss. Alex went to the sitter's because Topeka parades are long and this one was cold. Not really Al's thing!
We started the day with sleeping in! Daryl came to my room fully dressed and ready (teeth brushed, hair gel'd) to get me up at 8:30am. He later informed his dad he HAD to get ready all by himself because mom was still in bed. What an independent little guy I have!

Breakfast was Donuts at Dillons!

We hung out at the park before the parade because
we knew it was going to get cold!
The main event was the Veteran's Day parade. We both loved it! Daryl is fascinated with the military and waved his paper flag as hard as he could. When the different branches of military marched by it brought tears to my eyes. I looked around and I was not the only one! Thank you to everyone who has served our country!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Potty Mouth

It seems that every week Daryl has a new bad word that he gets to say once before Mom or Dad corrects him. This time was particularly funny to Kelly.

Kelly picked Daryl up from daycare to take him to preschool Wednesday. Daryl asked him if he could play a game on Kelly’s phone. Kelly handed him the phone while he was driving.

Somehow the game locked up and no matter what button Daryl pushed nothing happened. That is when Kelly hears from the back seat.

“Oh man, What the Hell is going on?”

Kelly informs Daryl that we don’t say hell. Daryl is used to this conversation as another new word goes on the “Bad Word” list.

What cracked Kelly up is that he always uses his new words in proper context! I tell him I’ve heard Kelly say that phrase before and I think I know where Daryl learned this one!

The To Do list is going well. I’ve crossed off a few more items. All that is really left is the knitting things and clean my room. I think I shall sit in my messy room and knit! This weekend is supposed to be nice so I’m buying some time for Daryl’s winter hat.

Yesterday, Kelly and I made our first snowball payment to my student loan. We paused a bit after paying off the car to fix the back yard so it was great to start paying off the debt again. If anyone needs a plan we use this one.

My new student loan balance is 8607 and I can’t wait until Kelly’s student loan is the LAST DEBT TO PAY!!!!! I’m keeping my enthusiasm up as we throw all the extra money onto the school loans. I might be getting a little too intense as I rolled my eyes at Kelly yesterday for getting Taco Bell when we had food at home! We have to keep each other focused here. J

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The come back of the To Do List!

Maybe it is all the extra sleep I've been getting but I think it is time for the To Do list to start happening again! Kelly will not be excited about this as often my to do list becomes his to do list.
I don't argue that but if he would make a list and could prove his focus to "Gettin' stuff done!" he would not have to participate in my focus. I think that made sense?
The "To Do list" theory by me, means you make a list on Monday that has to be done by Sunday. If you get it done you win satisfaction, accomplishment, and a sense of winning a life.
If you don't get it done you get a longer list next week. You win the feeling that life is getting out of control and you are about to fall off this merry go round!
So I make the lists with all good intentions and hope they keep me focused and not stressed. I find this system is very good as the Holidays get closer to make sure I'm ready for those little things called Thanksgiving and Christmas!
After all, the holidays are not fun if you are not ready and trying to do everything the week of. I've been there, and you don't want to be knitting at the Christmas party trying to get a hat done before gift giving starts!!
This weeks list:
Put away Halloween Décor
Take a dress to the tailor for a party later this month
Finish D's Hat
Put buttons on D's Vest
Clean my room
Mail a package sitting on my table

So far it is going well!
We spent last weekend in SW Kansas and were treated to AMAZING weather. The boys played outside all day on Saturday with cousins. They slept two hours on the way back home because they had played so hard. I love these short trips home!