Thursday, May 30, 2013

It's still May?

It is the last week of May (so I have been told) and I am out of town for work. I can't wait till I get to see my babies on Friday but this does lead to some interesting phone calls! This morning Daryl and I played peek-a-boo on the phone. We can't see each other, my phone doesn't do that! So we just told each other peek-a-boo for a little while and he giggled and I laughed too.

Alex is getting two new teeth on top! He decided to do this while mommy was away so I will check for sure tomorrow and tell you if people were lying to me. If they weren't lying that makes a grand total of five teeth!

I've been trying to sneak in some knitting during this road trip. It would be nice to finish something since I have not done that for two months. So here are my socks in progress. I just have to turn the heel and knit the foot and BAM pair-o-socks. If I were the Yarn Harlot I could do that while writing this blog post. But since I'm me let's shoot for Sunday being Sockday!

A girl can dream, right?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Our Favorite Weeknight

It is no secret. When we have a nice evening we like to go to the park. It is one of the reasons that we bought our house. It is so close to the park!

Three days ago Alex turned 10 months old. It is amazing how fast this year has gone. He is not my little baby anymore already weighing in at 22 pounds! He is a sweet kid, he laughs when you tell him no, he is very ticklish and he gets sad when his brother goes to bed. He pulls up to everything and still only says dada. When I tell him to say mama he just grins at me a buries his face in my shoulder. Such a sweetie! It is past time for me to start the birthday sweater! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day

 Happy Mother's day everyone. (A day late.) I had a wonderful weekend and not much different in the fact that Kelly spoiled me! Where I work was the annual plant sale so I finally got flowers for my flower box. It took 42 to fill it but it looks great! Also, these kinds of flowers for mother's day last a long time!

For the third year in a row my friend Brooke and I have participated in the Mother's Day 5K. The first year we ran, last year we were both pregnant and walked and this year we jogged! For my first race since October 2011 I was happy with my time. I jogged the course in 34:35. My best 5K time ever is 26:42 so I have some work to do.
I loved being a part of that race again and am now confident to enter more. They are addictive and I  had forgotten how great it feels to cross the finish line.

After the race we hung out at the legends and Daryl and Addison played in the big fountain. They had a great day too! Being at the Legends just walking around and taking it all in I run into my Aunt and Uncle from SW Kansas and their whole family. What a small world! It was the perfect cap to a great mother's day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Play and The Problem With Hats!

Last night Daryl performed in his first play! He was cow #2 in "Dooby Dooby Moo". He practiced almost every night and it really showed! He said his lines nice and loud and only had to be reminded to say his first line. He was also reminded by cow #1 to drink from his tea cup, then cow #1 told him when to stop drinking from his tea cup! Thank goodness for cow #1!

Daryl had a very large fan section and thank you to all who came. I wish I would have gotten a picture of all of you and just thought about that this morning. For record keeping Grandma Rosie and Grandma Wasko came from Hanston, Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl came from Holton and Jaime, Neil, Brooke and Addison were all there from Topeka! You all are great!

Now, I feel the need to share with you all about the problem with hats, you only have one head! So while my favorite thing in the world to knit is a hat, I don't need all of them that I make. I am offering them up to loving homes and if you would like one just mention so in the comments. If more than one person wants one we will do a drawing. I will mail them out for free as long as you provide a loving head for it!
 Hat #1 my Brown Swirl hat. Would fit an average size lady head. I have a huge lady head so its a bit snug on me.

 Hat #2 My Hot pink and black Skull hat. Would fit a small to med size lady head.

Hat #3 I call this the Dr. Suess hat. Would fit any head man or woman. This thing is WARM.

 Hat #4 would fit a 1-3 year old child. I'm having to give away some of the kid hats too. They have PLENTY!

 Hat #5 my lacy leaf hat. For a small or med size lady head. A girl might like it also. It looks really great on!

 All my hats waiting for a home where they will actually be worn!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The wind was blowing through his curls!

Today was gorgeous so I picked both of the boys up a little early and we went to Gage park. Or as Daryl likes to put in "My Park". I guess when your backyard backs up to the park you can claim it!
Here is a great picture of Daryl the first time he took a ride in the baby swing. I thought at the time I've never seen a happier kid.
Then today I got this picture of Alex on the baby swing for the first time.
Happy Boy! It was a great day to play at the park and we all had a great time.
Last month something very exciting happened and I can't believe I've waited this long to spill the beans. I am officially on the waiting list to be in the Hello Yarn fiber club! There was an online sign up and I was afraid I won't get one of the 200 slots. That would mean another five years of waiting for the list to open again. Well folks, not only did I get on the list but I am number eight! I anticipate buying all the fiber very soon!!! Kelly is not nearly as excited, I have no idea why. To celebrate I'm spinning a little of my Hello Yarn stash. I used to just look at it because I was afraid I wouldn't get anymore. No longer a valid fear!

Friday, May 3, 2013

One Down, One to Go!

 Look a sock! I finished a sock! I like the colors but I'm not sold on the square toe. Also, I haven't kitchnered (sp?) in awhile so that might add to the wonkiness. Hopefully the 2nd one comes out better. Also, the toe of the sock is in the shoes so it is not such a big deal.

Alex sticks his tongue out at finished socks.

Daryl sings songs about them! OK, that's not true but it goes with the picture. Sue Me!