Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter trip and Yarn!

It has been a fun couple of weeks. With Alex crawling and Daryl starting at a new daycare we have been trying to find a new routine! Luckily, Daryl has taken to the change really well and is getting to do some new fun stuff too.
He has really been my little helper lately. After I finished spinning my HY Heirloom yarn I was dragging my feet on washing it as well as the brown/blue hand spun. Daryl decided he wanted to help me wash the yarn and that was all the motivation I needed.
He has seen me do it several times but this was the first time he did it too! He moved the yarn from hot water to cold, then he got to wack it to set the twist. It was a cold day when we did it but cold does not bother a four year old at all! I thought he would tangle the yarn badly but turns out, if you tie it up good enough even a little guy can't mess it up! Passing the love of yarn making!

This last weekend we spent it in Southwest Kansas with Grandma Rosie. As usual Alex did awesome on the way there, then cried most of the way back. If I remember right it gets better once you can flip their car seat around. We don't have long before that can happen.
Even though it snowed while we were there it was a great trip. When we were pulling out of mom's work Daryl said "I already miss my grandma!" He loves these trips. Since we were snowed it we got to play a little dress up with my old recital outfits. LOL this can be used for blackmail some day!

 I love the camo jammies under the tutu!

1 comment:

  1. Aww I miss him too! I had so much fun! The best part was you being to stay longer.
    It was also nice to see how well the boys interact with each other. Alex is pretty mellow, Daryl is very active. The smiles that they share are priceless! The wrestling matches won't be so lopsided for long!!!
    love you!
