Thursday, March 14, 2013

Uh Oh

Watch out folks, we have mobility! If the video doesn't pop up here is the youtube link

I have been busy this last week so I have a little excuse for neglecting the blog. Mostly this darn time change has kicked my butt. For once Daryl adjusted very well but Alex is all out of sorts. I can't even drag myself out of bed. I used to get up early...what happened to me?
I am on the finishing theme...or I was. Well, while it lasted I made one sleeve. Isn't she lovely?
I'm having second sleeve syndrome...meaning I don't want to make the other one. So while the hope is to wear this cardigan this spring...the sleeve that doesn't want to be knit is not cooperating. Then after I knit that I have to make a button band. It never ends with some projects. So I will just play with my wheel!
I finished as much of my brown/turquoise braid as I'm going to right now. This lovely pile of wool just needs a bath.
The reason I'm not spinning more of that braid (this is about half of it) is because this lovely braid of Hello Yarn came in the mail about a month ago.
I've tried to ignore it but it wants to jump on my wheel NOW. So I'm going to oblige. I'm going to spin with a plan for the first time ever. I split the braid in half and am going to try and match up the colors when I do a two ply. We shall see what happens!


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