Thursday, January 31, 2013

Another Funny D Story

Regular readers if I have posted this story before please excuse me. But I was just telling it again the other day and I want to make sure to record it so it is one I can tell Daryl's kids some day!

With my new job I have a few night meetings here and there. The good news is since I work with youth, bringing my own youth is never a problem!

I think it was in November or December I was at a meeting with a High School age group. These youth ranged in age from 18 to 14 all just sitting around a large table. I was at the table myself holding Alex and Daryl was on the other side with the "Big Kids". The president of this teen group starts the meeting like this:

L-"Guys we are just going to keep this real casual so if you have anything to say just throw it out there."
Daryl looks up from the paper he had been coloring on and says:
Daryl-"I can spell my name D-A-R-Y-L"
L-"That is awesome buddy, good job!"

The rest of the kids gave Daryl smiles of approval and they moved on. So you can see how it is almost impossible NOT to take him to meetings. He feels right at home even with kids fourteen years older than him!

On the knitting front I think I'm going to start my Nuvem ruffle tonight! Squee!

Kelly says Daryl needs a haircut. I don't think so!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

News Flash: Toes Found!

Alex did not get a new tooth. Still not sure what all the fever and fussiness was about but the good thing is he is a happy baby once again!
I can't remember exactly when he started doing this, but this past weekend every time I lay him down on the changing table he is so delighted to meet his toes. He grabs at them, opens his mouth like he wants to eat them and laughs at how silly they are!
He is also sitting up very well on his own and that may have led to a bad decision on my part. Saturday morning was so beautiful I got the whole manor into the backyard. Daryl was digging, Kelly was taking down Christmas lights and I was picking up the presents that Vinny leaves us (ahem...poop). I couldn't do this while holding Alex so I found a spot in the grass free of any presents and sticks and let Alex sit. He was just as happy as a baby could be. So I got to work on my chore.
I hear Daryl "No, Alex No!"
I turn around any my baby boy is eating a mouthful of grass with another handful ready to go in! Just last week a friend was telling me her brother was always sick until he ate a little dirt. Alex should be good for awhile now. :-)

PS-I have a couple of knitting projects that need to be done on a deadline so of course I got distracted and knit a hat! Isn't she lovely? I blame Lynnie who gave me the pretty yarn!

Friday, January 18, 2013

We Hope It Is Teeth

Alex is home with Mom and Dad today. He was up all last night with a fever, runny nose and generally feeling yucky. Poor little guy. Those are the only symptoms so I'm really hoping it is just teething. I will check in if one actually breaks through.
Since Woolfest I have been in the mood to spin. It has been most wonderful! I've finally spun all my batts I made at Yarn School and will be washing yarn this weekend. These are destined to be matching hat and mittens. I've never actually made a matching pair. I'm usually so into one skein of yarn I make one or the other. I think this is a side effect of turning 30. I actually want matching hat and mittens. I can't really explain it any better.
Finally found a trick to make blogger post pictures again. It is not easy and I'm not happy but I should now have more posts. When you mostly post about yarn and babies you really need pictures to drive the theme home!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January Jamboree

060 by cmeerpohl
060, a photo by cmeerpohl on Flickr.

Daryl made this sheep and wated to put it with the other sheep in the Nativity. I think his really blends!

January Jamboree

057 by cmeerpohl
057, a photo by cmeerpohl on Flickr.

While not exactly a craft Daryl made some Trail Mix first thing. The boy likes trail mix!

Crafts Rock!

Oh geez, it's already January 7th and this is the first post of the New Year. Sorry about that! A lot has happened since Christmas but if it didn't inspire a blog before this one it is probably not worth your time. I'll spare you the rehash and give you the most recent fun thing we did! You can thank me later...
So part of my job now is leading super fun activities for the 4-H youth and other youth in Shawnee County. Sometimes it is stuff I have to leave home and do myself but last Saturday I got to bring Daryl along! January Jamboree is an annual craft festival we do in our county. It is different than a craft sale because the kids move from station to station, pay a small fee, and actually get to make the craft to take home. It's all kinds of awesomeness!
You don't have to read too many back posts to realize I like crafty things. Making things with my hands are usually my proudest moments. So imagine the warmth in my heart when I see Daryl really enjoying doing crafts! It could be that he is four and that means playing with paint is the coolest thing in the world, OR it could mean he will always want to create things with his hands like I do! Have pictures of all the cute things he made but Blogger is being dumb and I can't upload them. Grrrrrrr, Moral of this post is Blogger should be less dumb!