Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Thanksgiving is Awesome

1.) The main event is food!
2.) You get to visit with family.
3.) Pecan Pie (Again more food).
4.) Beating my brother at Scrable Slam!
5.) Babysitting Henry while his parents fight the mob on Black Friday.
6.) Lots of time to knit!! (I am 90% done with Daryl's Christmas stocking)

Look! My whole family cooking, except me! This
should surprise no one.

Hello Mr. Blue eyes.

Elisha can I borrow her?!

Is there something you would like to tell us about? LOL

Daryl and Aunt Sofia playing peek a boo!

Sorry Grandma! I didn't get a picture with your eyes open. I wanted to show the world were Alex got his blue eyes!!

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