Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We are going to be broke!

Kelly reading bedtime stories to the boys
  If you are wondering if Daryl's nighttime antics are getting any better, they are. Once Halloween was over he was still fighting us going to bed and getting up in the middle of the night and wanting to sleep in our bed.
This might sound like typical four year old behaviour but Daryl has always been an excellent sleeper.
Wednesday last week Daryl was struggling again at bedtime. The first time we had to go back to his room (9pm) we closed his door. This upset him but he eventually fell asleep.

The second time we had to go into his room (11:30pm) we told him no snacks the next day. The way he loves a snack you would have thought that was going to work.

The third time we had to go into his room (11:45pm) we took away breakfast. **Before you look up the number for Topeka SRS Daryl eats breakfast twice everyday. Once at home and again when he gets to pre-school. It's not that weird when you think about how little he eats at dinner.**
When we took away breakfast we also told Daryl that if we had to go into his room again, when he got home from school he would be spending the rest of the night playing in his room. That seemed to do it and he finally slept for the rest of the night.

Alex patiently waiting for his new friend to
come out and play. Will it be a boy or a
girl? We will find out very soon!
 The only problem with the take-something-away approach is Kelly and I have to write down what all Daryl can't do so we can follow through. It is a lot of work for us and it hasn't worked that well. So on Thursday after no snack and no breakfast we were nearing bedtime again. We told Daryl all the same things that happened the night before would happen again if he didn't stay asleep in his bed. Then just for fun I said, "If you don't make a peep after we say goodnight to you I'll give you a quarter in the morning." Daryl's eyes got really big and you could tell he was thinking about all those machines at the mall that give you a prize for a quarter. He asked me if I was joking and I told him I was not.
Tada, he slept through the night and so did Kelly and I! Frankly, it was the best quarter I ever spent and a dime or nickle works just as well!! Yay!!

Alex at three and a half months is full of smiles! He likes to babble right now and will hold a whole conversation with you. He will also try to nurse off of your chin so beware if you hold him close to your face. Daryl really likes it when Alex starts sucking on his cheek, he thinks it is the funniest thing ever. I agree!

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