Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Holy Moly It's November

If you are like me the Holiday season is sneaking up on you. Boo! It's here!
Kelly and I do a monthly budget every month and I was unprepared to put in the Christmas line item.
But that is why we do it.
Last weekend we were lucky enough to be in San Diego to witness the wedding of our friends Doug and Breanna. Congratulations to them and thank you for putting together such a great time for all of your out of town friends. That was our vacation this year and it was awesome!

 Kelly had a better view than Alex and I of the nuptials. He was standing up with the groom while Alex and I were in the back row in case we had to make an escape. Fortunately, Alex slept through the entire ceremony!

Daryl stayed in the Central time zone for the long weekend. He was not sad at all to be with Aunt Barb and Grandpa and Grandma Meerpohl.
Kelly and I were true to our word and Daryl did not trick-or-treat this year. He struggled earlier in the month with his behavior and he flat out lost the privilege.
He did have fun handing out the candy with Aunt Barb and I could hear him saying, "What a cute outfit", to some of the kids. He took the night really well and I think he will be ready to partake in the door to door begging next year!


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