Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Pass

Daryl had a good day so he got a frosty!
It was a Mommy and Daryl date, no baby and no dad!
 This weekend I had a great time being a chaperone for some county youth to Rock Springs 4-H Center. I had a great time trying to keep up with them from speakers to snack times and a dance. But right now (9:20pm) I'm exhausted!!
This weekend was the first time I had been away from Baby Alex overnight. Good thing the kids were keeping me very busy, I didn't have a chance to be sad.
Alex did fine with Daryl and Dad but he learned how to scream while I was gone. He just gives a little scream and then a big smile! A new way to get our attention.
 I had a lot of time to knit this weekend while I was away. The yarn for this shawl is so pretty that every time I pulled out the project it got lots of ohs and ahs. I appreciate that. The encouragement from others on how good it looks is about the only thing keeping me going.
It's hard to tell how much bigger it is getting because it stays scrunched up on a circular needle.
Trust me, I've been working on it a lot!
After knitting for five month the ball of
yarn is STILL as big as Alex's head.

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