Friday, November 30, 2012

It's Official...I'm a Grown Up

Today is the day I turn 30. Birthdays have never really bothered me, it's better than the alternative! I have a lot of great friends and family who have already made this day special and I'm sure will continue that into the weekend.
But there is bigger and better news. Alex ate his first real food last night! It was rice cereal and Daryl gave him his first bite. It was cool...and you all get to watch too!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Why Thanksgiving is Awesome

1.) The main event is food!
2.) You get to visit with family.
3.) Pecan Pie (Again more food).
4.) Beating my brother at Scrable Slam!
5.) Babysitting Henry while his parents fight the mob on Black Friday.
6.) Lots of time to knit!! (I am 90% done with Daryl's Christmas stocking)

Look! My whole family cooking, except me! This
should surprise no one.

Hello Mr. Blue eyes.

Elisha can I borrow her?!

Is there something you would like to tell us about? LOL

Daryl and Aunt Sofia playing peek a boo!

Sorry Grandma! I didn't get a picture with your eyes open. I wanted to show the world were Alex got his blue eyes!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weekend Pass

Daryl had a good day so he got a frosty!
It was a Mommy and Daryl date, no baby and no dad!
 This weekend I had a great time being a chaperone for some county youth to Rock Springs 4-H Center. I had a great time trying to keep up with them from speakers to snack times and a dance. But right now (9:20pm) I'm exhausted!!
This weekend was the first time I had been away from Baby Alex overnight. Good thing the kids were keeping me very busy, I didn't have a chance to be sad.
Alex did fine with Daryl and Dad but he learned how to scream while I was gone. He just gives a little scream and then a big smile! A new way to get our attention.
 I had a lot of time to knit this weekend while I was away. The yarn for this shawl is so pretty that every time I pulled out the project it got lots of ohs and ahs. I appreciate that. The encouragement from others on how good it looks is about the only thing keeping me going.
It's hard to tell how much bigger it is getting because it stays scrunched up on a circular needle.
Trust me, I've been working on it a lot!
After knitting for five month the ball of
yarn is STILL as big as Alex's head.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Cute Story

This morning while he was eating his oatmeal Daryl and I had this exchange.
Daryl-"Mom when I'm in Heaven will you still love me?"
Me-"Yes! When you are in  Heaven will you still love me?"
Daryl-"Yes!...Mom, let's just go to the same Heaven. Ok?"
Me-"Sounds good Daryl."
Kelly was at the stove cooking and he was smiling as big as I was. :-)

Snapped this picture a couple of weeks ago
at church. It is rare when Daryl will actually
pray during the service because he is four
and usually needs to wiggle!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

We are going to be broke!

Kelly reading bedtime stories to the boys
  If you are wondering if Daryl's nighttime antics are getting any better, they are. Once Halloween was over he was still fighting us going to bed and getting up in the middle of the night and wanting to sleep in our bed.
This might sound like typical four year old behaviour but Daryl has always been an excellent sleeper.
Wednesday last week Daryl was struggling again at bedtime. The first time we had to go back to his room (9pm) we closed his door. This upset him but he eventually fell asleep.

The second time we had to go into his room (11:30pm) we told him no snacks the next day. The way he loves a snack you would have thought that was going to work.

The third time we had to go into his room (11:45pm) we took away breakfast. **Before you look up the number for Topeka SRS Daryl eats breakfast twice everyday. Once at home and again when he gets to pre-school. It's not that weird when you think about how little he eats at dinner.**
When we took away breakfast we also told Daryl that if we had to go into his room again, when he got home from school he would be spending the rest of the night playing in his room. That seemed to do it and he finally slept for the rest of the night.

Alex patiently waiting for his new friend to
come out and play. Will it be a boy or a
girl? We will find out very soon!
 The only problem with the take-something-away approach is Kelly and I have to write down what all Daryl can't do so we can follow through. It is a lot of work for us and it hasn't worked that well. So on Thursday after no snack and no breakfast we were nearing bedtime again. We told Daryl all the same things that happened the night before would happen again if he didn't stay asleep in his bed. Then just for fun I said, "If you don't make a peep after we say goodnight to you I'll give you a quarter in the morning." Daryl's eyes got really big and you could tell he was thinking about all those machines at the mall that give you a prize for a quarter. He asked me if I was joking and I told him I was not.
Tada, he slept through the night and so did Kelly and I! Frankly, it was the best quarter I ever spent and a dime or nickle works just as well!! Yay!!

Alex at three and a half months is full of smiles! He likes to babble right now and will hold a whole conversation with you. He will also try to nurse off of your chin so beware if you hold him close to your face. Daryl really likes it when Alex starts sucking on his cheek, he thinks it is the funniest thing ever. I agree!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Holy Moly It's November

If you are like me the Holiday season is sneaking up on you. Boo! It's here!
Kelly and I do a monthly budget every month and I was unprepared to put in the Christmas line item.
But that is why we do it.
Last weekend we were lucky enough to be in San Diego to witness the wedding of our friends Doug and Breanna. Congratulations to them and thank you for putting together such a great time for all of your out of town friends. That was our vacation this year and it was awesome!

 Kelly had a better view than Alex and I of the nuptials. He was standing up with the groom while Alex and I were in the back row in case we had to make an escape. Fortunately, Alex slept through the entire ceremony!

Daryl stayed in the Central time zone for the long weekend. He was not sad at all to be with Aunt Barb and Grandpa and Grandma Meerpohl.
Kelly and I were true to our word and Daryl did not trick-or-treat this year. He struggled earlier in the month with his behavior and he flat out lost the privilege.
He did have fun handing out the candy with Aunt Barb and I could hear him saying, "What a cute outfit", to some of the kids. He took the night really well and I think he will be ready to partake in the door to door begging next year!