Monday, September 24, 2012

Then there was light!

One of my few complaints about the new house was how dark the living room was. We had one tiny lamp and that was just not enough light to knit by. Soooooooo since I have a husband that can fix things I said, "Hey Kelly get me some lights."
He of course agreed to do it, because that was a reason to go hang out at the home improvement store. He got to fill his shopping cart with lights, wires, switches and washers. This makes him happy. The fact that he finishes projects in a timely manner, (most of the time), makes me happy!

Sad ceiling with no lights :(
Happy ceiling with a fan and four can lights!
3 of the 4 can lights work. This one is being a jerk...

Friday, September 21, 2012

2 Month Appointment

It has been confirmed.  Our son is a chunky monkey!  At his eight week appointment, he was 13.5 lbs.  That's 89th percentile for his age!
Alex may be our Chunky Monkey but Daryl is still our Funny Bunny. Out of nowhere this is what he said to us tonight.
D-"Paxton's mom looks good."
Kelly- "What?!"
D-"She does!"
Kelly "Your mom looks good."
D-"Ya but Paxton's mom looks good forever."

I don't even know what that means!
I did finally finish a knitted thing. I give you a tiny sock! I hope to knit a black one to make Alex a Halloween pair.

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Mom Did Know a Thing or Two

LtoR: Alex, Mom, Cedar and Canyon
This morning I am staying home for a bit because I had my annual physical and Al's babysitter took the day off. The baby is pretty sleepy so I decided to clean a little bit. Surprisingly, the house looks pretty good except for the boys' rooms.
So I started in Daryl's room and I'm picking up toys, throwing away papers and getting all the dirty laundry. As I'm doing this I realize that I've almost filled up his little trash can and I better take it outside before he comes home and starts pulling stuff out.
FLASHBACK: I remember one summer when I went to church camp (Shout out to Camp Lakeside!!), and when I got home my mom had cleaned my room and thrown away a lot of papers and old toys. My room looked great and I was furious. I was going into the third grade and my mom had thrown away all of my treasurers! I'm pretty sure we didn't talk for a couple of days.
As I clean my own sons room I realize that my mom did two things: 1.) A lot of work in my room that I didn't have to do
2.) Probably kept me off of one of those hoarder shows when I grew up
As I prepare myself for five o'clock when Daryl comes home and will be totally mad at me for throwing away his treasures (trash), I would like to say THANK YOU mom. You did work really hard for probably a couple of days 20 years ago and I never said thanks!

Here is the funny party. My Mom was ON HER GAME 20 years ago. She may be slipping a little today. Here is the story she told me on the phone yesterday.
"So I was taking your sister's kids to soccer practice after school and I realized I better feed them real quick. So we went to McDonalds to eat. I was a little flustered because we did drop a couple of drinks and had already caused some chaos in McDonalds. We were all done eating and we had thrown our trash away when I realized I didn't have my car keys anymore! Oh no, I must have thrown them away. After looking in the trash and not finding them Cedar says, 'Grandma, what if you locked them in the car!' I started to panic and went to go check the car. When I got to the parking lot I realized the keys were in the car...and the car was running...unlocked. Cedar assess the situation and says, 'Grandma someone could have stole your car!'
After hearing this I only have two questions for my dear mother. Do you take medication? Did you remember to take it on that day?
Oh dear lord, getting old is rough but better than the alternative!
I am spinning a bit. Maybe yarn soonish???

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Turning the Big 4

I can't believe it has been four years since my Daryl was born!

With the expansion of our family and changing jobs we didn't get to celebrate D's birthday in August. We did decide to make a whole day of activities for him on Labor Day. We started off at The Discovery Center. This was his first visit there and he had lots of fun playing in the wood shop, working on a car and painting! I didn't know how long the Discovery center would hold his attention and only planned on being there 90 minutes, as it turns out we could have easily stayed there twice that long!

After the Discovery Center Daryl had his birthday party. Lots of family and friends  celebrated with him. He had a Spiderman theme party and even though I forgot to serve the cupcakes on the Spiderman plates I think it went good!

Daryl has been telling me for a couple of weeks that when it's his party he won't sing the happy birthday song. He explained you sing it to all your friends and then when it is your birthday they sing it to you! He was so excited when everyone started singing he just smiled and smirked the whole time.
And we got him that have instruments are supposed to be better at math...I stink at math...let's hope this helps......

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Family Reunion 2012

This past weekend was the Ramirez Family reunion. I was actually blogging at the last family reunion. This is one seriously fun party! So fun we only have it every other year so we can all recover! Two years ago I went to my first reunion, it was fun then but I didn't really appreciate it as much as this year because now I know more of the extended family. The event starts with a Mexican*ish potluck that is AMAZING. I only put the *ish in because our family made crescent roll veggie pizza. Didn't really fit the theme but it was enjoyed without prejudice!

The Mariachi band that played during the meal.

After a hearty meal and conversation there is the family meeting. The meeting is an update on all the branches of the family and it takes a good hour. No one speaks very long that is just how much news is reported on! Mostly its the new babies, marriages, anniversaries and career milestones.
This family has a lot to be proud of and it's fun to hear what Ramirezs' across the country are up to.

After the meeting is more visiting and then the dance with a live band and pinatas for the kids. Our family has to be good dancers, it's in the blood. Grandpa Greg and Grandma Evelyn danced this year celebrating 65 years of marriage! I bet one of their secrets of a strong marriage was to go dancing a lot!

The Mike and Gloria Meerpohl family with
Grandpa and Grandma Ramirez.

I still have to blog soon about Daryl's 4th birthday party that we just recently had. I also need to update on the knitting and spinning.

That will not take long because as it turns out, it is more fun to hold a newborn baby than it is to knit or spin! Crazy, I know! I do get some knitting done in the car when, by law, I can't hold Alex.

Saw a book today about teaching a "spirited" child manners. I thought that was a funny way to say stubborn and sassy but I did buy the book! I'll let you all know how that works out. LOL

Daryl hitting the Pinata first!

Daryl meeting his new cousin Sophia.
Sophia is being held by her lovely godmother Ashley!