Saturday, November 19, 2011

Turkey Craft Day!

Last Thursday Daryl got to make turkey crafts at the community center. Just like the pumpkin class he loved it! He has one of these classes left for Santa Claus and he is already excited about it.
Watching him follow directions for these classes and sit down for a teacher has proven to me he is ready for preschool. So he heads to his first day on Monday! He will be going to an all-day preschool because the half-day kind could not work with our schedule to pick him up and still have to take him to daycare.
He said goodbye to his Mary on Friday and it was kind of sad. Mary has been watching him since he was eight-weeks old and has been a great sitter. But she agreed with us that he was ready for more of a learning environment. Daryl keeps asking if his friend Lane is coming to school too and we keep telling him we don't think so.

I hope he makes new friends quickly and that he really likes it. He took a tour last week but Kelly took him so I don't have many details.
I will let everyone know how it goes on Tuesday! I will also hopefully show you all my special knitting project I have been working on!

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