Sunday, November 6, 2011


Daryl and I got to go to our first Pow Wow last Saturday. Kelly's grandparents were the honored veterans at the ceremony and it was a lot of fun.
We had to leave fairly early because a 3-year-old can only watch drummers and dancers for so long. He actually lasted about two hours. I don't know how much longer it went.
It was a cool experience and one I'm thankful that I got to be there.
For my knitting I have been working on all of my projects that I have been in time out for awhile. I now remember why I had stalled on them.
I'm trying The Orchid Thief shawlette again by Ysolda. Man this project may be beyond my skill. There is some problems with the pattern but plenty of peeps have made this shall so I reason it is possible.
I can't wait until my day off on Friday and I am going to bunker myself in a coffee shop and not come out until I get one repeat of chart 3 done!!
Wish me luck!

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