Monday, November 14, 2011

So much news!

We had a very busy long weekend around the manor! On Friday D and I went to the  Hutch animal shelter and picked up a friend for Vinny! Sister is a good dog and we already are loving having her around. Even Kelly likes her so that is really saying something!

Saturday Kel and D went to the KU football game. It was probably the best game of the year and it's just too bad they couldn't pull out the win. Daryl had such a good time at the tailgate and game he told me about it all night.

On Sunday we all went up to Holton to celebrate Kelly's dad's 60th birthday! As always the family gatherings are rowdy and fun. Daryl was a ham as usual and was singing for everyone, he ended his songs with an Amen! Too funny! On Sunday Daryl also found his Christmas presents. Ugh. He came into the house (they were hiding in the garage) yelling "Santa brought my presents! He brought me a woody and a buzz and a slinky dog!" Kelly quickly replied that Santa was going to take them back to wrap them and it's not Christmas yet! That is what I get for trying to be prepared for the holidays. Ugh again!
On the knitting front I've been a little distracted. I have a shawl going, a too small sweater, and a few gifts. But,  I had to stop all that to make myself a big toy! What will it be? We shall see.....

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