Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Ten Santas!!

 Hello everyone! I've had a busy week here at the Manor and I apologize for lack of new posts. I'm not guaranteeing that December is going to be any better. :-s

We had not one but two great Thanksgiving meals this year. For the second my sister and her kids joined us for the whole weekend. This was really great because we had not seem them since Daryl's birthday. On Saturday we all made our way to downtown and watched the Miracle on Kansas Avenue parade. The kids got lots of candy and we saw at least 10 Santas! The best float by far was the Huff and Puff balloons on a flat bed trailer just letting their fires get super high! It warmed the whole street!

Kelly topped off our evening and weekend with a fire in the fireplace. We roasted marshmallows because I will never miss a chance to burn a marshmallow to a crisp!

I did not step one foot in a store this last weekend and I am just fine with that. I am about half done with the x-mas shopping and I think the rest can be done on-line. No knitted gifts this year, I will give you a moment to collect yourself from the sadness.........but I just never had a plan and without a plan its not something you can do in this stage of the game.
Maybe next year!!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Whoo Guessed It?

Did anyone guess my special knitting project?Did anyone guess cutest owl you have ever seen in your life!!!! If you did you win!!!!
Just put on the beak and I love her, I don't know what I'm going to name her but I'm taking suggestions. <3

I got to eat turkey with Daryl today at school. He loved that I was there but cried when I left :-(
When Kel picked him up he was happy again so that is good. To make up for ditching him at school we went on a date tonight without dad. I let him pick the place! No red lobster for this guy! He wants Wendy's and frostys! Frosties? OK, how do you plural frosty!!!!

First Day of Pre-School

Yesterday Daryl had his first day of pre-school! His teacher is Ms. Nikki and he said he had a good time. He made a paper turkey and played outside, he was very proud to wear his new Thomas hat and mittens.
Today he is wearing his swim trunks under his clothes and is going swimming. It is also Thanksgiving lunch today and I'm going to go join him for some turkey!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Turkey Craft Day!

Last Thursday Daryl got to make turkey crafts at the community center. Just like the pumpkin class he loved it! He has one of these classes left for Santa Claus and he is already excited about it.
Watching him follow directions for these classes and sit down for a teacher has proven to me he is ready for preschool. So he heads to his first day on Monday! He will be going to an all-day preschool because the half-day kind could not work with our schedule to pick him up and still have to take him to daycare.
He said goodbye to his Mary on Friday and it was kind of sad. Mary has been watching him since he was eight-weeks old and has been a great sitter. But she agreed with us that he was ready for more of a learning environment. Daryl keeps asking if his friend Lane is coming to school too and we keep telling him we don't think so.

I hope he makes new friends quickly and that he really likes it. He took a tour last week but Kelly took him so I don't have many details.
I will let everyone know how it goes on Tuesday! I will also hopefully show you all my special knitting project I have been working on!

Monday, November 14, 2011

So much news!

We had a very busy long weekend around the manor! On Friday D and I went to the  Hutch animal shelter and picked up a friend for Vinny! Sister is a good dog and we already are loving having her around. Even Kelly likes her so that is really saying something!

Saturday Kel and D went to the KU football game. It was probably the best game of the year and it's just too bad they couldn't pull out the win. Daryl had such a good time at the tailgate and game he told me about it all night.

On Sunday we all went up to Holton to celebrate Kelly's dad's 60th birthday! As always the family gatherings are rowdy and fun. Daryl was a ham as usual and was singing for everyone, he ended his songs with an Amen! Too funny! On Sunday Daryl also found his Christmas presents. Ugh. He came into the house (they were hiding in the garage) yelling "Santa brought my presents! He brought me a woody and a buzz and a slinky dog!" Kelly quickly replied that Santa was going to take them back to wrap them and it's not Christmas yet! That is what I get for trying to be prepared for the holidays. Ugh again!
On the knitting front I've been a little distracted. I have a shawl going, a too small sweater, and a few gifts. But,  I had to stop all that to make myself a big toy! What will it be? We shall see.....

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Daryl and I got to go to our first Pow Wow last Saturday. Kelly's grandparents were the honored veterans at the ceremony and it was a lot of fun.
We had to leave fairly early because a 3-year-old can only watch drummers and dancers for so long. He actually lasted about two hours. I don't know how much longer it went.
It was a cool experience and one I'm thankful that I got to be there.
For my knitting I have been working on all of my projects that I have been in time out for awhile. I now remember why I had stalled on them.
I'm trying The Orchid Thief shawlette again by Ysolda. Man this project may be beyond my skill. There is some problems with the pattern but plenty of peeps have made this shall so I reason it is possible.
I can't wait until my day off on Friday and I am going to bunker myself in a coffee shop and not come out until I get one repeat of chart 3 done!!
Wish me luck!