Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Earflaps anyone?

Sorry I couldn't help myself, I watched the Charlie Sheen roast last night and I can't stop saying, "Winning!" The only other thing I have to say about that show was who the heck invited Mike Tyson? That was a shame, he wasn't funny and he didn't have any idea what was going on. He was not winning!
Just wanted to let everyone know  my awesome hand spun hat is almost finished, I just need to rustle up some hot pink yarn to edge it with. Kelly's sleeve is still not done but I will work on it soon, but probably not today!
Daryl had his first dentist appointment today and the only good thing I have to say is he didn't bite anyone.
This was before the freak out, you can sorta
tell it's going to happen.
He cried for about five minutes and after that was over we found out he has two cavities. They are going to wait six months to treat them just because they don't think he would let them at this age and I'm not for putting him under if we don't have to.
Hope everyone out there is Winning!
ok ill stop saying that...

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