Saturday, September 10, 2011


I've been tricked! I was working on the second sleeve for Kelly's sweater when the sleeve started to fight back. (It's a little known legend that the second of any pair, ex. sock, glove or sleeve, doesn't like to be finished. Thus leaving the knitter with a completely useless one of something that needs a two.)
So this second sleeve got tricky, and by tricky I mean mind numbingly boring! So I started looking at my recently washed and whacked handspun and longed to work with it.
So yesterday I quit fighting the urge, put the sleeve aside and cast on a hat! Its going to be awesome. It will have ear flaps and everything.
But don't worry my frenemy the sleeve. I will finish you and you can bet on that!!!!
Sleeves are dumb, here is a hat!

D got his hair cut today! What a big boy!!

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