Sunday, September 25, 2011

Knitting Weekend!

That is a whole couch full of sweater!
I got a lot of knitting done this weekend. I made a Minion hat for my nephew's birthday, finished my awesome ear flap hat, and completed the LAST SLEEVE of Kel's sweater!
The theme of the weekend was the laundry and dishes can wait, I'm feeling some major knitting mojo and I'm just going with it. Thankfully my husband does not question this (anymore) and I'm a happy lady!
Other important notes for the last couple of days:

Daryl seems to have the potty training down, I will spare details as I know once something is on the Internet it's out there for good and some day he will be sixteen and googling his own name! Maybe sooner.

Saw "The Help" at the movies with an awesome group of ladies. I bawled my eyes out and if you have not seen it yet you should. It barely scratched the surface of how wrong humans can be and makes you want to be a better person. That's always a good thing.

Last but not least ran another 5K on Saturday and set a new personal record for myself. It helps me get out of bed in the morning to run when I get to do races. If you want to get into running enter a race, they are a great time and crossing the finish line is an amazing feeling! Kelly ran too and he beat me but only by a little!

1 comment:

  1. Cute hat, Candis! I'm in awe of your knitting ability.
