Saturday, September 17, 2011

Clean Sweep!

Today we didn't have any plans as a family. So that means a day to stay at the manor and CLEAN THIS PLACE UP! So I did that while Kelly golfed, so don't feel to bad for him!
Daryl helped me clean a little as well as he went to the bathroom about every thirty minutes! Turns out he really likes to wash his hands by himself so that leads to a lot of "I have to potty again mom!"
I spun a little from a new batt I made at The Wicked Stitch in Wamego. Jennifer has a great store and she lets customers play with her toys!
I have not knit on Kelly's sweater at all today thankyouverymuch, and I'm almost done with my earflap hat!
I should be able to finish the sleeve this week and hopefully block all the parts of the sweater. Maybe...
This is Daryl doubting I will ever finish Kel's sweater!

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