Thursday, January 27, 2011

January Blahs

Sorry for the lack of new posts but frankly we have not been very exciting lately. And that is OK! I'm all about the old adage, "No news, is good news."
Daryl did move into his big boy bed this week. He loves the idea of sleeping with his Toy Story covers and pillows but when it comes to turning out the lights it's a different story.
The first night I layed down with him for a half hour until he fell asleep. Kelly didn't want that turning into a nasty habit so Daryl cried for about 40 minutes two nights ago before he fell asleep. Last night he went to bed without a peep!
The GOOD NEWS is he doesn't get out of the bed.
Another great thing Daryl has found out about his bed is he can now look out his window. Oh the freedom!!
On the knitting front I'm working on a gift knit right now I will share after I give it away and a pair of socks for myself. The socks are a simple rib pattern but the yarn is what makes them amazing. It stripes in this super cool colorway. I want to make sure to have them done for our vacation to San Fransisco. Did I mention we are going to San Fransisco??
More on that later ;-)
Keep It Real Folks!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Guest Blogger

Its hard to find good help these days. But I'm a sucker for a cute boy!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Lazy Day

Kelly and I both had a day off today and it was just what the doctor ordered! Daryl has been waking up a couple of times a night ever since he got this cough/cold thing. It has been rough on the whole family.

But this morning he decided to not wake up till 8am! Thank God! We did decide to take him to the sitter so we could have a day to catch up on some things.

Some of the more fun projects we finished was I FINALLY made a kitchen apron for myself. I think I have made about ten of these aprons for gifts for other people but I've never had one. I cut one out about six months ago but today I finally decided to finish it. On Saturday I made cookies for Daryl and all I could think about was I really needed that apron. Problem solved!! Like my pink slippers? LOL

Kelly got me some free I-Tunes also today. I can't wait to go to the Gym and see if they are sweat worthy!

We capped off our afternoon with a movie the first one we've seen since "The Blind Side". That was November 2009!!! We saw "Little Fockers", it was really cute. Kelly picked it as I wanted to see "Black Swan", probably would not have had as many laughs!

We picked Daryl up right after his afternoon nap and spent the rest of the afternoon letting him tell us stories. Great Day! One for the books!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Its official, Startitis has come from the north and is spreading. The infection is now in my house and I've got it bad.
To those that are not familiar with the term its when you start so many projects you have no hope of finishing any of them. BUT YOU JUST KEEP STARTING NEW THINGS. Its a terrible sickness...
I've started new sock (since I finished my Monkey's!!!!), I'm eyeballing a shawl pattern, and a new hat. I also need to pick up my whisper cardigan and there is always Kel's sweater. Kel's sweater is now officially for his Christmas 2012. SHHHHHHHH don't tell him :)
I did make some resolutions for this year and so far so good. But they are long term year-long goals so I can keep with them.
In 2011, we are going to be free of credit card debt (never to go back again!!)
Build a back yard fence (with cash)
Run 4 races (probably 5-10K distance)
Modest Kitchen Remodel (this is the stretch goal but I think we can handle it)
Happy Snow Days everyone!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

I never liked odd numbers

I don't know why but ever since I was in grade school I have liked even numbers better than odd. For some reason I think positive is associated with even and negative with odd. I can't explain it, it's just how I've always felt.

So 2011 makes me uneasy, I'm trying to fight that sense of dread but I'm afraid I've already had good and bad days in the New Year.

I found out this week that my Grandma Betty, (adopted grandma, but loved her just as much as those that share my blood) passed away. She had moved to Florida six months ago.
Grandma Betty told things how they were, she was a tough gal and one of the smartest women I knew. I will take all of her words of wisdom with me for the rest of my life and know in my heart she can see again now and is happy.

I lived with Grandma Betty for two summers during high school, and before that I grew up in her ceramics shop. I will miss her dearly.

On top of all that Kelly and I have been feeling under the weather for the past week. It's that kind of crud that just keeps hanging out and it ticks me off.
Things that are making me happy right now.....

Daryl has been wearing his new undearwear on top of his clothes :-)

I finished a pair of socks I started six months ago :-)

And Woolfest in Wamego was today and I got to go with some of my dearest friends :-)

Lets call a do-over and start the New Year next week. And while we are at it lets call in 2010 part 2...gotta love all of those even numbers!!!